You know how OOCs and Interest Checks for Nation Roleplays are super long? Well oh boy do I, which is why this is a shortened version of what's to come if there is interest. Also you know how the guild sometimes eats your post? Well I really know as I am writting this, since the previous version failed to post and this is a second attempt. Damn. [img][/img] Its 1838 and Queen Victoria was just Crowned, little time after Napoleon passed away and Napoleon II was made Emperor of the French. There is hope for peace in the world from the war that has raged for the last decades on and off, as new coalitions were made and defeat forced Britain in a corner yet again. The talks between the new Queen and Emperor would however be doomed for failure and soon enough people would place their hope in a swift end that could only be brought by final victory, where one side would no longer be able to rise an army and hope to win against the other ever again. This is the War to End all Wars. [b]Britain (You)[/b] Britain has thus far managed to hold its ground with the superiority of its technology and its invincible fleet, obliterating any attempt of the French to challenge it and using Russian doctrines of elastic defense and deep area control where its aim was to select its battles carefully and forget the traditional idea not falling back one step, instead leaving miles upon miles of land to the French and let their supply lines stretch, attrition doing the job for them. With the Mediterranean closed with the lost of Gibraltar and with guns and airships capable of reaching Britain along with new train technologies to ever expend the range of the supply lines however, it becomes obvious that more decisive actions must be sought. [b]France (Me)[/b] Strangely enough, even with the millions of men and the endless kilometers of industry backing the French war machine, its greatest asset is the image of invincibility it projects as it is more effective than a million bayonets to keep the many different nations within its empire united and prevent it from falling in civil disorder. Still, for this image to hold, the sole nation of importance that refuses to submit must be put down and Britain must be liberated, the thousands of aristocrats that fled europe as the armies walked over it brought to justice for the last hopes of European nationalism to die and for the victory to be total. France can no longer play the game of the british and advance at a crawl through the world and try to starve it out of its colonies, total victories and massive gains are needed, but if technology and the ability to supply such a work will follow? That is the question. [b]The Rest (NPC)[/b] The remainder of the war is occupied by the Monroe Alliance in america, led by the US in America and trying to stay neutral, and the Japanese Empire who snagged a colonial empire as war raged in Europe and who now tries to determine what the best way is to further expend said empire. No doubt to get one or the other to pick a side could tip the balance of the war and give momentum to the side it chooses. [b]Those unhappy with their overlord (You and Me)[/b] Of course, many nations in Europe are unhappy they were conquered, as in Africa and India, many would be seduced by the promise of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity that the french offer. These people will scheme and no doubt will have a significant impact on the war as well. [b]Technology[/b] Steampunk, as stated, with Britain (You) Beginning with a significant lead over most areas other than land, where things are more evenly matched. Where France would have airships, Britain already has armored ones and aircraft to add to the mix. France however is closing the gap and as things progress, the significance of this gap will be lessened. [b]But is this only war?[/b] It will revolve around the war but battles will be only a small part of things I think and even then, should have predetermined outcomes as to avoid the usual 'My dick is bigger than yours' contest where none can agree what would work. No, this will focus on both internal matters as well as external ones as both nations spy on one another and use diplomacy and intrigue to try and bring the neutral nations of relevance into the fray. [b]Questions?[/b] Just ask, please. Open for more than one person btw.