[quote]Instead, Brennus launched a fairly simple attack, stepping forward on his right foot to grant himself extra reach as he lifted his weapon slightly and pushed down with his forward hand,[/quote] I interpreted the 'as' as meaning 'at the same time'. Like he attacks throwing his right foot forward. Instead, he steps forward on his right foot, then once that's completed, attacks? I asked repeatedly, and always understood 'yes, at the same time'. Also, even with a 130cm blade, it doesn't change overmuch. Still an almost total extend. Also, my kind of fencing is medieval, so longswords, HEMA, 16th century treatises. I'm fairly sure of what I'm saying, though I am by no means a master. In the hypothetical scenario it is an all out lunge, and we were discussing that. In the actual fight, it's not a lunge. I understand. We said this before, right? I misinterpreted.