[img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131017185448/marveldatabase/images/3/35/Loki_logo.png[/img] Loki's day had simply been absolutely full of surprises it seemed. The Jolly Green Giant with a short temper had taken a long hard look at the night sky and calmed down dramatically; Loki suspected that it was a combination of the beauty of the night sky (And out here it really was beautiful) combined with the fact that no one was provoking or attacking the green beast in any manner out here. Somewhat pleased with his vindication, Loki was surprised by the fact that the beast shrunk down to what would otherwise be a normal human being had he not witnessed the transformation himself. Granted he had seen shape shifters before (He was one himself after all) but this kind of transformation was quite new even for Loki. He was inclined to learn more... When the man finally noticed him, his reaction suggested strongly that he had no recollection of what had taken place when he was big and green; Not a voluntary shape shifter and more a cursed transformation akin to a werewolf then. Taking this new piece of information into account, Loki offered the man a friendly smile that seemed to reflect the moonlight... largely in part to the sliver lines around his mouth actually reflecting moonlight. "My name is Loki. What I want is a couple of answers to some very interesting questions but I can't help but feel that you would rather know where you are and how you came to be here first." "See, a little while ago I was staying in New York when I came across a strange but powerful green creature that was trying to escape from the city with a minimum of fuss. Unfortunately in one of the greatest collaborated acts of stupidity I've witnessed in a long time a combination of the US Military and several 'Heroes' more dedicated to fighting the 'Rampaging Monster' then actually observing the situation and using their brains decided that a city filled with innocent people was the [i]perfect[/i] place to start a fight. Due to a desire to help keep the damage to a minimum and because it was clear that the creature wasn't harming anyone that didn't attack it first, I grabbed the creature and teleported the both of us far, far away from New York and people in general. Which is where we are now." "As for where we are..." The smile on Loki's face grew playful as he stated in a perfect Australian accent "Welcome to the Australian Outback mate. So what's your name?"