yes yes yes Yes YES! That was all Arienne could think as she lowered herself into her cog's cockpit. Starting the startup sequence, she stands upright as latches twist around, securing her into place. Putting her head back, a helmet pops over her head, inserting plugs into the jacks behind Arienne's ears. The first time transfer and acclimation of her consciousness to the cog took a few minutes was an interesting experience, but would be faster from now on. It now very much felt like her body became that of the cog. Finishing the transfer, Arienne did a systems check and then started moving her new arms around when she noticed her vision. The OS of the cog and her close interface with it allowed Arienne to have a very good view of All directions around her. She had read about it in the manual, but experiencing it now was more than she could have hoped for. Arienne knew she would miss this omniscient clarity when she left the cog. She also now knew what to call her cog. If the cog could have smiled, then it would, but insted, this revelation set the cog humming, almost like a purr... "Askalaphos, heading out!" As soon as Askalaphos lost contact with the catapult, Arienne gave another intense burst of speed. Flying straight towards the other 2 cogs, she would have collided if she didn't make an explosive 90 degree turn going up. Askalaphos spun and twirled as she flew around and about in complex and graceful maneuvers. She was an owl in the night, very much in control of her movement, and very aware of her surroundings. And Arienne felt a joy she had never experienced before.