Devin listened to the whimpers of the wolf as she lay of the ground, poor mutt, it really shouldn’t have attacked him in the first place. His mind was in a state of pure calm, while his body was only really to protect himself. The wolf stood and snarled at him clearly not believing him, sighing he watched the wolf circle around him. This was ridiculous! Why would he want to kill some silly mutt? What was there to gain from killing it? They smelt nasty, and much likely tasted nasty as well. He really wasn’t that hungry to drink something that tasted like mutt, very much anymore. [b]“Besides I was talking to someone when it happened”[/b] He said loudly, still he deeply wanted to reason with this wolf. Devin wasn’t even lying; he was too busy talking to the red headed woman that he had wanted to see, to go killing the wolf last night. If he had killed the wolf, there wouldn’t be one left alive. His eyes and body followed the wolf as it circled around him, making start not to turn a back on her and give her a place to attack. [b]“I would really prefer not to have to fight with you lass.”[/b] He added in a hiss, as his eyes lightened for a moment before going back to black. Just because it wasn’t preferred, didn’t mean that it wouldn’t happen. He moved sideways slightly and slowly for him smirking, eyes watching closely to gauge the quickness for her reactions. If there was one weakness which was must apparent would likely be the fact that he was rather cocky, it made him more likely to make tiny mistakes that could be used against him. After a few moments of watching her circle him, Devin started to realize she was waiting for him to be weak. Frowning he quickly moved closer to her, going to throw her into another tree. After all it seemed to work very well. If he could get her down, he could end this quickly.