Lancaster's suspicion was confirmed once the mean-looking Arab entered with his entourage of less mean-looking body guards. It wasn't difficult to see that this was an indeed paranoid man, his very presence scared the living hell out of Sadiq by mere sight of Hassam. Lancaster wasn't intimidated though, he was having everything under control. Quietly sitting down again, he listened to the conversation between Hassam, Sadiq and Thom, while drinking from his cup of coffee, seemingly unfazed by it all. "Hussain is quite right in his statement, I can personally confirm that the coffee is excellent. I'll get you one right now, my friend." Lancaster said politely to Hassam in perfect Arabic, perhaps taking Hassam a little off-guard as he gave him a look that could kill. -"I am no friend of you, you none of mine, and you should be careful with saying otherwise. I do not know you, you're lucky to not end up like your father before you, Afghan." Hassam shot back at Lancaster, clearly annoyed at him for his unreasonable good mood around him. "And I'll take [i]your[/i] coffee. Now." Lancaster sighed, bowing down and placing the cup in-front of Hassam. "As you wish." All according to plan, as he walked back to the counter to get his own coffee again. Standing with his back to the rest of the men, he turned the screw rightwards for three clicks, as practised before. The small flat object in now Hassam's coffee would eject a small dose of highly potent chloroform, able to put an elephant to sleep in seconds, minutes if it was a large elephant or just stubborn man. Now it was only a matter of seconds before shit would hit the fan, as one said. Turning around, Lancaster looked at Hassam with a smile, and a sly look in his eyes. "As-salamu alaykum, my dear friend Mohamed Hassam."