Spitfire waited for the swordsman to get out of the way and with a quick sprint got into position to fire blasts of fire at all three of the Parademons. While still on fire one of the Parademons tried lunging at the orange clad hero only to be on the receiving end of his boot. [b]Spitfire - 13 Para#2 - 6 [took fire blast and basic kick to the face] Para#3 - 8 [took a fire blast] Para#4 - 8 [took a fire blast][/b] That was when it got really loud. A small car flung through the sky covered in drool and crashed into a street hotdog vendor's cart. How it was still standing was unknown, but the Warhound quickly made the inanimate object just another chew toy for it's enormous mouth. Seeing the speedster out of the corner of it's eyes it gave chase and attempted to leap on her but she was too fast going around a corner. Dogs however don't give up so easily. With legs larger than the girl and enough power to give a train a run for it's money, the Warhound would not stop until it caught it's prey. Opening it's mouth as large as it could, it could've fit a car in there. However it's jaws only caught one of Streak's legs for a few moments. It was enough to slow her down momentarily. [b]Warhound#1 - 19 Streak - 10[/b] "Guys! One of those hellhound things caught up with Streak or whatever her name is! We need to give her some cover!" Spitfire screamed. Perhaps the sharpshooter or the man with the swords could be of some assistance. Post 4 ~KL~