[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/tasogare-otome/images/5/53/Yuuko_anime_profile.jpg/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/58/window-width/1024/window-height/512?cb=20120410060251[/img][h1]Hermessent/Hermonia[/h1][/center] Hermonia continued to wind the lock of dark hair around her finger when another girl got on board. She looked…familiar. Wait, she knew this one. Let’s see, it was something to do with flowers and showers and- May! Ha! All of her memorization was working to her advantage. Knowing which humans were which had been difficult at first, but it only took a bit of effort to fit them to their names. After all, knowing others and who held advantageous positions was how she had become so well famed with some of the other students. Ah, she really was pretty great, wasn’t she? Smiling at the more petite girl, she rested her face in the palm of her hand as she sat back regally. The pink uniform suited the delicate looking girl. Sitting up straight, she offered her hand in a casual friendly greeting. “Miss May isn’t it?” her voice was gentle and rather kind, but somehow her dark eyes always looked a bit cold, no matter what she said or did, “Pleased to meet you. I am Hermonia. I hope we will get along.” But another girl entered the bus after she spoke. A girl with a rather regal air of her own and fire red hair to match. [i]What a haughty looking girl,[/i] Hermessent’s thoughts sneered in delight, [i]The one who is a little better with words than even I. How peevish![/i] Were there indeed good things about humans? Yes, of course, but she wasn’t overly fond of females. Perhaps it was the internal desire to out shine them, or her natural likeness for destruction. Chaos. And females turned on one another so easily. It was like a ripe red fruit was being dangled before her. It was almost too painful to resist and continue her pleasant façade. Luckily there was someone to interrupt her demonic thoughts. A man, plain enough, but wearing dark glasses and a suit, so he somehow still stood out. Peculiar. He scanned over every girl on the bus and Hermonia resisted the urge to glare. Instead she continued to smile pleasantly. Ah, so they would all be left to assigning themselves. What a wonderful situation, all too easily set up for a chaotic mess. Her smile seemed to become a little warmer. “Odd, isn’t it?” she whispered to May, “Boys who don’t know how to use computers… I wonder if they are foreigners.” But once the man had finished his little speech, he exited the bus with ease. Curiously Hermonia peered after him, ignoring Uriko the Irritating. The man simply faded away. The once she-demon stilled and her smile fell away, leaving her a bit too pale and a bit too unnaturally pretty. Narrowing her eyes, she pressed her lips together. Curious-er, and curious-er… Uriko didn’t seem to notice. Perhaps she shouldn’t remark on it then… But instead she placed an innocently surprised look on her face, pressing her hand to her cheek. Looking over at May with wide eyes, she spoke softly. “How odd!” she murmured, “One minute he’s there and the next he isn’t? Almost like he disappeared.” She giggled demurely then. “What a fast walk. It must be useful.” [@NarcissisticPotato] [center]_________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy28/lyusha/saito.png[/img][h1]Drienuhn/Darien[/h1][/center] Drienuhn dozed quietly in his chair, lounging with one leg over the armrest, the other on the ground. His long hair fell into his face, his dark eyes opening slightly as he heard more of his bothers enter the common area. Skeixura was the one who spoke of spies hiding in their rooms, but Drienuhn was too comfortable in his spot to actually get up and go see what he was talking about. If there was a spy, they would get quiet bored in his room watching him. Then they would leave. Or fall asleep. Because Drienuhn hardly ever did anything all that interesting; others did the interesting things for him. Like his brothers for instance. Always shouting about one thing or the other, they were far more interesting to watch than he. Taelor, for example, was quiet amusing. He controlled the tale-teller with some sort of small bar and somehow managed to anger it. It was merely a head with a giant eye, yet somehow he had gone and made the thing angry. Leaning over, his long arm helped his hand pick up the controlling bar with little disruption to his comfortable sitting. Turing the bar over in his hands, he examined it. More odd symbols dancing on the little square scales…Symbols were everywhere in this realm. How tedious. Pointing the controlling bar at the tale-teller, he played with the odd scales. One of the long was controlled volume, making it louder or softer depending on which end of the scale he pressed. The other long rectangular scale changed the story. Convenient. He could get used to this. The red scale made the tale-teller sleep and wake up as well. So as his brothers chattered away, he switched through story after story, till something interesting appeared. It looked different from all the other stories. [i]”Angels are the beings who protect us from the outside threats to our moral upstanding. But in the end it is you, you very soul, that determines wether or not you are successful in defending yourself from demons.[/i] That peaked his interest. He ever sat up right in his chair, leaning forward and watching attentively at the tale-teller’s story. [i]Demons called Desire (the audience jeered) And Greed (another jeer) And Laziness! (one more loud jeer) Our children do not know how to defend themselves against these demons! We must be the ones to show them! When they refuse to do their homework….[/i] And on and on and on it went. But Drienuhn mulled over what the man in the white suit had said. Humans knew of Angels? But who were these Demons they spoke of? He knew of no respectable demon by such a ridiculous name as ‘Desire’ or ‘Greed’. They were sins, yes, but who was stupid enough to call themselves by one of the Sins? Stranger… It sort of…irritated him, this man and his odd speech. Glowering at the tale-teller he changed the story.