[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Character%20Page%20Banners/Earth%20Characters%20-%20Banner_zpskeiobvob.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][i][color=MediumTurquoise]Eliza Brie[/color], [color=BurlyWood]Alan Woodard[/color], [color=OliveDrab]Dominic Greyjoy[/color], [color=DarkBlue]Annalise Brie[/color], [color=LightSeaGreen]Daria Belikov[/color], [color=BlueViolet]Rapunzel[/color], [color=OrangeRed]Jaidyn Beachley[/color], [color=Green]Sebastian Beachley[/color], [color=LightCoral]Morgan Reginald[/color], [color=Lavender]Ireneo Funes[/color], and [color=SaddleBrown]Igor Pechorsky[/color][/i][/h3][/center] [center][h2][i]Present Day - Lake Tahoe, Earth - Part One[/i][/h2][/center] Dominic leaned over the balcony overlooking the snowy slopes of the ski lodge, strangely comforted by the cool, icy air whipping against his face, billowing his hair slightly in the wind as his eyes veered up to the dark sky, already noting the glinting stars like pinpricks in the heavens. [i]"How long will I be gone? Be on this 'Earth'?"[/i] Dominic heard his own voice inside his head, echoing the same question he had asked thirteen years ago - when he was still home. [i]"As long as necessary."[/i] The Sorcerer's voice replied vaguely as ever. This was it, though. After all these years.... Dominic turned on his heel as he heard the glass balcony door opening and closing once again, with Ilya and Funes walking out proceeded by their own charges, causing Dominic to crack a soft smile, nervous as he may be. “..-Jaidyn, I don’t know what you’re talking about..! I didn’t ask for anyone to come out here. Why would I..? I [i]was[/i] having a pretty good time out here on my own…” Crossing her arms over her chest as she spoke, Eliza shifted her stance slightly so that her back was pressed further back into Alan’s arms, as though she was trying to press the point that she in fact did want to be left alone, rather than have everyone she knew follow her out onto the balcony when they were supposed to be having a private moment together. “I’m sorry Eli- relax okay? We were told that you asked for us to come and meet you out here.” Lifting his hand up so that he was rubbing the back of his neck, Jaidyn sighed softly before shooting a quick glance over at his brother for a little help with trying to explain what happened, his attention turning back to her completely as he once again dropped his arm down to his side, “Your uncle Dominic said that you had some sort of surpr-…” "Man, I [i]knew[/i] there was a reason I didn't want to come out here." Sebastian remarked, shaking his head a bit, accidentally catching Alan's gaze and stuffed his hands back into his pockets, averting his eyes to look past the both of them to where he could see Dominic standing. "The dude going through Alzheimer's already?" “He what…” Narrowing her eyes as soon as she heard her uncles name slip out of Jaidyn’s lips, Eliza shot her head around so that she was glaring intensely at Dominic’s back, her body tensing up against Alan’s as she shook her head in disbelief, “Are you serious right now? So because you don’t like the fact that I chose Alan as my boyfriend, you’re now going to lie to my friends to make sure that we don’t spend any time alone together… that’s a new low, even for you, uncle Dom…” Ignoring his niece's words for the time being, Dominic eyed the group as a whole, lifting his hand up to his mouth to clear his throat before beginning in a clear voice, loud enough for the whole group to hear. "May I have your attention, please? All of you." Moving his hands up Eliza's arms, Alan patted her shoulders, a small gesture that told her non-verbally that everything was going to be okay. "Just... listen to what he has to say." Alan told her quietly before pulling away from her and went to sit at one of the tables at the corner of the balcony, propping up his feet on the chair opposite of him both to get comfortable and he didn't want anyone else sitting there. Daria felt like she was walking into something that she maybe shouldn't have been walking into. It seemed like the few people that were on the balcony were at odds with each other and only caught the tail end of the conversation. The piece that really seemed to stick out was Eliza saying something about Alan being her boyfriend. She glanced at the guy and cocked an eyebrow, he clearly made quick work with Eliza considering he had spent a good portion of yesterday in her room. Then she remembered Eliza sneaking out last night and realized she knew exactly where she had gone. She felt bad for the girl, thinking that Alan was in it for the long run. She looked over at Alan, "Boyfriend, magic man?" Magic man... Ya, as soon as Eliza put out he was going to pull a disappearing trick. She was about to say something further when Dominic called for their attention. Rapunzel, still holding Daria's hand poked head around the other girl's shoulder, "Maybe we should go back inside," She whispered, feeling as though she were intruding on something... As Annelise stood there she looked at her sister for a moment when she was told that Alan was her boyfriend, and knew who he was from the night before during the snowstorm. But she decided to not say anything for now, thinking it best to talk to her about it when they were alone. Annelise shifted slightly and leaned herself up against the wall looking over towards Uncle Dom who told her to come out here because Eliza asked her to, but there seemed to be something else going on here. "So mind telling me why we are out here?" Annelise asked looking over towards Dom and then Alan, seeing as the two of them knew something more about what was going on. Morgan had come out to the balcony and maintained her distance away from Eliza and Alan, in order not to cause a scene. She noticed that Alan had pulled away from Eliza, but she didn't comment. She figured that was going to happen. She looked towards Dominic, when he called for their attention, and she raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. Why had Dominic gathered all of them here? Something about this seemed off to Morgan. Now having everyone's attention on him, Dominic took a brief moment to swallow hard, eyes glancing up to the sky as he let a single thought cross his mind, perhaps in hope that the Sorcerer would be able to hear: [i]'Wish me luck.'[/i] "I suppose you're all wondering why I've gathered you out here." Dominic began aloud, once more assuming the clear, loud voice that mirrored that of a public speaker or military officer's. "I apologize for all the cloak-and-dagger that was involved in organizing this meeting, however I can assure you that all your questions - and more - will soon be answered." He added on, eyeing each one of the people gathered outside, as though personally speaking to them individually. "I would like to begin, with a question of my [i]own[/i]. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror, maybe dreamt of something especially astonishing one night, or perhaps felt a little different inside? Think maybe you don't belong in the traditional sense...that you're outside, that there's something [i]more[/i] to you than what seems so apparent, so obvious?" Dominic asked, beginning to pace across the balcony while seeming to grow more passionate with each word. Morgan sighed silently at the questioning that was taking place. To her, this sounded like he was starting to advertise for some kind of cult. Her gaze hardened at Dominic in a way to give him a silent warning, but she didn't speak up or leave just yet, because he hadn't finished making his point yet. She wouldn't admit that in the back of her mind that she did feel different, but she didn't show any sign of it. “..yeah, I get that way at times- but it’s whenever I’m out riding the waves…” Shifting on the spot slightly as he listened to the questions that were being asked of them all, Jaidyn shot another quick glance over towards where his brother was standing before slowly but surely lifting his hand up just a small amount, as though he were gesturing to himself though was still unsure about why it was that he was doing so in the first place. It was like Dominic could see right through him- whenever he was out on the water; he felt different somehow, like he was destined for something greater than he was already achieving… he had long ago stopped trying to explain to others just how it was that he felt whenever he was out among the waves; the feeling that something was missing in his life, though he could never seem to pin-point exactly what it was… Shaking his head lightly as though to try and pull himself back to the present, Jaidyn shifted his stance slightly as he brought his arms up to cross over his chest, not in a defensive manner but as something to do as he tried to make sense of his own thoughts and just what it was that he was hearing from the man he had only just met that night, “I don’t know how to explain it… It’s like, when I’m out on the water, I really belong; I can be myself- like when I’m out there I’m free, like I’m in another world altogether…” “Jaidyn, that’s just because you’re great at your sport- I don’t think that’s what my uncle is trying to get at with all these weird questions.” Crossing her arms tightly over her chest as she shifted awkwardly on the spot for a moment, Eliza quickly shook her head and moved herself forward so that she was standing in between the two brothers, her weight ever shifting from one side to the other as she did her best to not let on too much that she was seriously thinking about what it was that Dominic was asking them to think about- it wasn’t like she hadn’t thought about these sorts of things in the past; she had always been the odd one out growing up… and even with her father’s complete and utter honesty about her and Anna being adopted, she had always been curious. She was always just-… different… but she had also always been open when it came to wanting to know about her past before being found that night in the snow, and while she was okay with who she was now and where she was in her life, there was always going to be that burning feeling to find out more- and Dominic knew that for a fact… Clenching her jaw for a moment in her own personal anger and frustration towards her uncle, Eliza quickly once again relaxed her body, her gaze turning to glance at the snow covered mountains as she did her best to calm herself before she turned her attention back to her uncle, “..what exactly are you trying to get at with the sudden interrogation, uncle Dom- you’re acting so strange tonight.” Sebastian had been eerily quiet for being, well, Sebastian, but Dominic's words were piercing through him on a level he didn't even know existed. His eyes bore into Eliza's uncle, as though trying to surmise if he was really speaking to the group as a whole, or if it was a way for Dominic to speak directly to [i]him[/i]. Jaidyn wasn't getting it, Eliza seemed too pissed off to really care, but each and every word Dominic had spoken felt as though it had been made for him [i]specifically[/i]. "Shut up, let him talk!" Sebastian snapped, mostly towards his brother but also at the tail-end of what Eliza had been saying. It was exceptionally out of character for Sebastian to be so brash, but this was something that used to bug him when he was just a small boy - the very first memories he had being adopted into the Beachley family. Time of course filled (or at least attempted to) that empty void he felt in being adopted, to begin with, but his creative mind couldn't help but to believe that there was something more to all of this. He looked around at the group, only knowing Anna, Eliza, Dominic and Alan as of that day and his brother. The others, however, were strangers to him, but something was tickling the back of his mind. Rapunzel released Daria's hand and stepped around the girl slightly as the man spoke to them about being... different. Rapunzel only had memories from the last year, if there was something else that made her feel as though she didn't belong it definitely had something to do with her lack of knowledge of her life before San Francisco. She felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb, like she didn't even belong in this time. There were things that just didn't make sense to her, like cell phones or cars... The doctors that Agatha brought her two were just as confused as they couldn't find any reason for the amnesia. Was this an answer?... Did this man that she had never met have the answer? The feeling that she should go back inside disappeared from her as she looked on, listening to him, ignoring the squabbling around her. Daria's hand rose slowly and touched the gold pendant that rested against her chest. Daria had always been a kind of social chameleon of sorts, fitting in as she needed. She was the perfect daughter for her parents, the 'A' student for her teachers, and the wild child for her peers. She almost always felt like a square peg in a circular hole that was just slightly bigger. Big enough for her to fit but she never filled the hole completely. A lot of that not fitting perfectly laid in her necklace, proof of the past that led to nothing but dead ends. A question with no answer. She always liked to think that the necklace had been her mother's... it seemed like something a mother would give their daughter before abandoning them but the truth was, she didn't remember where she had gotten it from at all. She wrapped her free arm around herself and looked at Dominic, curious as to just what it was he was getting at, slightly discomforted by how he hit her feelings right on the nose. Annelise would look over towards Dominic once more as he started to speak up she would look over at her sister for a second before turning her attention back to him as he asked them a question. Something in his voice made her think for a moment and had to agree with the others who were outside with her. Back in high school she felt different from the other kids somehow but she never thought about it much, the person she felt the most connection to was Eliza other then that she knew she was adopted by the man who raised them. "So what are you trying to say Uncle Dom?" Annelise asked. Looking about the group at all the conflicted expressions that practically themselves spoke of conflicted thinking, Dominic's smile of confidence grew wider. "Allow me to continue." He added on, now keeping his gaze fixed on the group as a whole. "How many of you are either adopted or have incredibly vague backgrounds, childhoods, things you can't seem to remember or things that simply seem like coincidence? Eliza, I know you and your sister were found alone in the snow, rescued by your father. What of the rest of you?" He asked aloud, letting his silence fall almost dramatically as he awaited the answers of the people in front of him. Hearing her name being called and her past so casually thrown out there for the rest of the group to hear for themselves, Eliza tightened her arms over her chest as she shifted awkwardly on the spot that she was standing on, her angered expression morphing instead into one of embarrassment as she dropped her gaze, tilting her head down ever so slightly as she stared at the ground between her and her uncle. “Eli…” Reaching out his hand so that it was resting lightly upon Eliza’s shoulder rather than in his pocket like it had been moments before, Jaidyn lifted his gaze to look at his brother, waiting until he was sure that it was okay before he once again spoke up, his eyes returning back to Eliza though he instead spoke to the group that surrounded him, “Eli- you’re not the only one, I promise. Sebastian and I-… Our mother and father found us during their morning training session. We were found alone, on the beach and soaking wet in the surf. They took us in and adopted the both of us so that we wouldn’t be split up.” Daria wrapped her arms around her stomach as the cold started to nip at her bare skin. She had always hated the cold despite spending a vast majority of her life in Russia or other cold corners of the world. At the mention of being adopted, she looked between Eliza and Annelise, that had been the very thing the three of them had bonded over, the fact that they had been found at a young age with no recollection of the time before it. Noticing Eliza's discomfort, she was about to move to her when one of the boys did instead, comforting her. Daria instead reached out and gave Annelise's hand a little squeeze before it returned to her side. She nodded her head, "I was too... My parent's backyard... in Russia..." Her eyebrows knitted together for a moment, the five of them were all rather close in age... What was the coincidence of them all being found abandoned on completely different contents with no memories. Rapunzel pulled her hair over her shoulder and started to pull at it a little. She had a sensation to want to wrap herself up in it and hide, a sensation that wasn't uncommon when she was nervous or scared. Of course, that wasn't possible her hair was far too short... now. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and cleared her throat, "I was found in San Francisco last year... No memory of anything..." She looked at the girl in blue and offered a small smile. It was kind of nice being around people who had been in a similar situation, even if it was at a different time in their lives. Annelise looked over when she felt Daria reaching over to hold her hand and smiled at her for a moment. Her eyes going over towards the other members of the group, it was odd that they all pretty much said the same thing. Annelise would then gently give Rapunzel's arm a gentle rub her before walking over towards Eliza. When she was beside her sister Annelise would look at her with a concerned look on her face and held Eliza's hand. "Are you okay?" Annelise asked softly pulling Eliza slightly closer to her. Lifting her gaze for only a moment so that she glanced up at Jaidyn as she felt the weight of his hand upon her shoulder, Eliza turned her attention over to her sister as she felt her warm touch and soft voice asking her whether she was okay- how could she be okay… their uncle was hitting a sensitive nerve, and it wasn’t just with the two of them, but also with their friends and everyone else that was standing around them. Squeezing Anna’s hand softly before she slowly pulled her own back, Eliza once again crossed her arms over her chest, her head shaking softly from side to side as she once more took a step back, staying close to the two brothers rather than moving away to stand by her sister’s side, “..not particularly Anna- but I’ll manage…” "I apologize for bringing up any sensitive points here....but look around you, that's the one similarity that seems to connect each and every one of you." Dominic continued on, clearly coming closer to a final thesis. "What I'm about to tell you is going to sound strange, it's going to sound crazy, and it's going to be unbelievable. But I urge you all to open up your minds and think about these next few words I'm about to say." Dominic warned in a sterner tone before heaving a deep sigh. "None of you are who you think you are." He said in a blunt, if still semi-vague manner, taking a moment to let the words sink in before elaborating. "This world, Earth, is not your home, not where you were born; neither is Earth mine, or Alan's, or Ilya's, or Funes'. All of us here tonight, on this balcony, hail from a distant land known as the Fairy Tale World." Not stopping to let anyone interrupt for fear of rousing disbelief or skepticism, Dominic hurriedly continued. "Many of you are Royals from where you hail, sent to this place, this realm to escape the clutches of the Evil Queen, Maleficent. Eliza, Annalise, Daria, Rapunzel, Jaidyn, Sebastian, and Morgan...I believe it is time you learned your [i]true[/i] names." Dominic finished, looking at the group as a whole again for signs of reactions. Dominic had absolutely and completely lost it in Eliza’s eyes… different worlds, fairy tales, [i]true[/i] identities… the fact that he not only believed that [i]he[/i] came from this so called Fairy Tale World, but also that everyone else standing on the balcony with him came from there as well- it was nothing more than ridiculous… and embarrassing. Tightening her arms slightly over her chest as she took a couple of steps closer to where her uncle was standing, Eliza quickly glanced around at everyone else who was standing out in the cold night air with them- Anna, Jaidyn, Sebastian, Daria, Morgan, and the other girl she now knew to be Rapunzel… They couldn’t be falling for this- they [i]had[/i] to have more common sense than that… “How much have you had to drink..? Because that is the only rational explanation that I can come up with for your weird behavior tonight, really…” How did he expect them to believe that what he was telling them was the truth? He was physically standing there, telling them that they were all Royals from a world straight out of bedtime stories and Disney movies- he had to be drunk, because she didn’t want to believe that he had lost his mind. Dropping her arms from over her chest as she moved a little closer to him, Eliza reached out taking both his hands gently, and even though she was more than pissed off with him at that precise moment, her features were filled with worry, “What you’re suggesting to us- it’s completely insane uncle Dom. Fairy tales don’t exist; they’re things you used to read to me at night, to get me to fall asleep… movies you used to put on, so that Anna and I would stay out of trouble… they aren’t real.” A different world and-… and a Royal..? To say that he had been expecting any of that would be a complete and utter lie- Jaidyn had always known that he was different from others around him, but [i]that[/i] different..? It was a lot to take on, and he wasn’t sure if he could take everything that was being said to them as seriously as his heart was telling him to take it- there was something inside of him wanted to believe in what it was that they were being told… to pull Eliza back an away from Dominic so that he could continue to explain what it was that he was trying to get at, but he just couldn’t- the skepticism was just too strong in his mind. Shaking his head as he brought his hand up and around so that he could awkwardly rub the back of his neck, Jaidyn shifted slightly on the spot before he moved over to the railing, leaning his body back against it as he tried to wrap his mind around everything that was going on, “I’m really sorry sir, but I’m going to have to agree with your niece on this one… What you are suggesting is slightly far-fetched; and the odds of this being true are extremely low, even it were possible…” From his position towards the back of the balcony, Alan simply shook his head in minor disappointment. So much, in fact, that it brought him to his feet to make his way in between the small crowd of people until he reached Dominic and gave him a light pat on the back. "Terrific job you're doing there, feathers." Alan complimented, but his tone was anything but. If this was the way that they were going to go about things, they would all still be there by the time they began to die of old age, one by one. No... no he had better things to do than hang around here for the rest of his life. So he took matters into his own hands; at least for this bit. "Alright, yeah, you're all adopted, you've all got vague memories of your past and none of you know where you come from. That's a fact. So let's look at facts, then, shall we?" Alan gestured over towards Eliza and Anna. "Do you know the [i]exact[/i] date you were found? I do. Your Uncle Dominic does and so does-" Alan glanced quickly over at Illya and Funes, forgetting their names already. "-uh, Professor X and Oscar the Grouch, over there." He paused before going on, looking back to the two sisters. "If your adopted parents told you, and you know the date you were found, great. Makes this all seem less stalker-ish." He gestured over to Jaidyn and Sebastian. "What day were you guys found? On the beach in an entirely different country. If we are to look at facts here, then turn to each other and tell them the day you were found. Go on." He looked then to Daria, motioning for her to look Morgan. "You two too. In fact, everyone. What day were you found?" Alan looked over to Rapunzel and then shook his head. "Yeah, no, not you. You can't play this round. Amnesia's a bitch." Annelise stared at her sister as she answered her, she was feeling the same way she watched Eliza breaking away from her to stand near the two brothers. She then decided to stand back next to Daria and Rapunzel her eyes looking back over towards Dominic as he started to speak, the things Dominic was saying sounded completely insane and started to think the same way Eliza was, but something still kept her interest. Annelise leaned up against the wall and stared at Dominic, then her attention turned towards Alan and stared right at him before finally speaking up. "If you say that all of this is true, and we don't have any memory, is there any real or hard proof that you claim us all to be?" Annelise asked crossing her arms over her chest, and started to shiver slightly due to the cold mountain air. Nodding a wordless thanks in Alan's direction, Dominic couldn't help the look of uncertainty that darted across his features as more and more skepticism seemed to unravel among the Children - how could he blame them? And suddenly, he heard it, his solution: [i]The Folder[/i]. "You want proof, Annelise? I have all the proof you need - that any of you need." Dominic replied, crossing both arms behind his back and looking amidst the group with the look of a mad scientist in his eyes. "Alan...do me a favor and go fetch my binder from inside, would you? I believe it will help ease this transition." Dominic requested, managing to maintain a rather stately tone of voice, though his expression still mirrored that of a child in front of a candy store. Alan threw up his hands in the air, both palms facing out though he was unable to get them to reach the height he wanted given the uncomfortable boundaries the suit (despite him rolling up the sleeves) gave him. "By the Gods, the man actually does something that makes sense!" he exclaimed, his chin pointed up as though he were talking to the stars. "As luck would have it, though," Alan continued, bringing his gaze back down to "Earth" and speaking to Dominic. He reached his hand back behind him, lifting up the tail-end of his coat a bit and pulled out the small binder that he had taken all but ten minutes to memorize from cover to cover - well, at least the pictures. "Don't think you're getting rid of me that easy, Grizzly Adams, I brought it with me." Stepping forward, keeping his eyes on Dominic, Alan took the binder and with a light flick of his wrist, slammed it down onto the table in front of him and then finally let his eyes detour someplace else, landing on Anna. Somehow, Alan kept his face from flushing at not only the recollection of taking the girls virginity, but also the knowledge he held now of who she was, and who she [i]was[/i]. "Ya might want to get to readin', the man seriously does his homework." This was getting ridiculous- how on Earth could he possibly prove anything that he was saying… it was impossible, nothing more than a fairy tale, and the fact that both Dominic and Alan were playing on a topic that was so sensitive for the rest of the group; it was just making her frustration and anger levels rise. Shaking her head as though giving up on trying to be reasonable with her uncle while she let go of his hands completely, Eliza took a couple of steps backwards, putting space in between the both of them as she turned her back to him, her hands dropping to pick the front of her dress up just the tiniest amount as she began to head back towards the door that would lead her back into the lodge, and into the party they were all now missing thanks to this nonsense, “You’ve completely lost it- you really have uncle Dom… and I’m done playing your little game; I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m going back inside- you know, back to reality…” Daria caught Eliza's arm as she started to head back inside. Daria was hardly one to believe the mumbo jumbo that fairy tales spat out but there was something... Something weird about all of them. She looked at her friend before speaking a low voice, "Five kids found in three different countries on three different continents... All of the with no memory of who they were before that... Even without knowing exactly what date you were found on, that's weird, Eliza." She stole a glance at the girl's uncle and sighed, "Your uncle might make strange fashion choices but... I don't think he's crazy. I mean, your dad never would have let you near him if he thought he was off his rocker," She held Eliza's gaze, "The one time he starts talking crazy... and he is talking crazy... You turn your back on him? Eli... That's not you." She sighed, "I know this is a touchy subject.... It is with all of us but," She reached up and touched the gold amulet that rested against her chest, "Don't you think that if there is even a chance of finding out where we are from... that it's worth it to hear him out?" Morgan crossed her arms when Alan spoke up. So...the car thief was in on this too. She glared at him, showing her complete distrust and disdain towards him, when he spoke to them. She agreed with Anna when she asked for proof. She pointed out to Dominic, her gaze hard, cold, and completely distrusting. She told him sternly, and loudly for everyone out on the balcony could hear her, "Sir. Even if you do have proof of some kind, do you really expect us to believe you when a repeat offender is backing you up on this?" She had pointed to Alan when she said repeat offender. She added "He tried to steal somebody's Lamborghini last night," If anything, the fact that Alan was backing up Dominic on this matter only gave Morgan reasonable suspicion to believe that Dominic may be running some kind of scam. Dominic had zero credibility right now in Morgan's eyes. She shook her head and she turned saying, "I too am heading back inside. This is a waste of everybody's time," Annelise looked over at her sister watching as she started to turn around and head back inside, she was tempted to as well. She turned to look back at the strange amulet that Dominic was holding out to her. With a sigh Annelise approached Eliza overhearing what Daria was saying to her. "I kind of have to agree with Daria, even if Uncle Dom sounds like he's saying complete bullshit. All of us have something in common, we were all found in different places with no memory of anything that happened. I don't believe in fairy tales either, or that we are royals as he put it, but if its a chance to find out who we really are, we have to look into this." Annelise said before turning her attention back to Dominic. "Give me a few moments of your time, Detective....and all will be made clear." Dominic reasoned as Morgan turned to head back inside. "Now then. For the more practical of you, I have evidence that will not only correlate with what I've been telling you tonight, but hopefully allow us to reach a goal we've been trying to for over thirteen years." Dominic explained, once more to the group as a whole, planting both hands in his coat pockets.