Sorry for not posting lately, just been working on the hush-hush stuff. Spheres of knowledge, plot points that can be missed, connecting plot threads and what-not. Ideally I've got a few 'stories' going on in the background then drop a gaggle of vampires into the mix. Was hoping I could keep the interest check lively by answering questions. Some tidbits though. A viable combat tactic--especially for younger vamps--is 'tactical suicide'. Wraithburn aside a vampire revives whole and unharmed, exactly as they were the day they matured into a Draug/Alp/whathaveyou. This involves two critical factors: 1. Killing oneself quickly 2. Ensuring you revive before an attack can finish you off As far as number one is concerned more experienced vampires prefer to either cleanly sever the abdominal aorta with a well placed gunshot or inhale sarin gas. Both methods are lethal in the extreme, leading to death within a minute or less and just as easily used against opponents. Number two can be trickier, as oftentimes it's difficult to judge if you've bought yourself enough time or gotten to a secure enough position. Mainstays are dying in cover (The enemy doesn't know if you're just trying to draw them out), barricading yourself somewhere or just relying on your opponent not knowing that you're a vampire. As revival is a major hurdle in properly slaying a vamp the proper method practiced by both hunters and warring clans is to either burn, incapacitate or hit them with so much firepower as to make the issue moot. *********************************** And to further diverge from tradition Dhampir (The only vamps that compulsively drink blood) lack any sort of fangs or specialized anatomy for sucking it out of people. This means for the most part you'll be chewing through necks, bleeding someone into a glass or slurping it off the scenery. More importantly however neither Dhampir, Alps or Draug are immune (or even resistant) to disease. It is entirely possible for them to contract HIV, Hepatitis or viral hemorrhagic fevers--in fact this often leads to the characteristic 'sickly' appearance of your ilk. ********************************** Again, a vampire's life cycle begins with the birth of a seemingly normal human child--Known as a Dhampir--the product of a mortal mother and vampiric father. Eventually the curse overtakes them and they mature into either a Vetala, Alp or Draug--though the age at which this occurs varies wildly on a case by case basis. Though it is seldom the case when a young child matures early it is speculated to be due to a weak will, powerful wickedness or ancient father, though these remain topics of debate. Hereditary ties for vampires are flimsy at best (Why they prefer sire to father) as one does not necessarily inherit the same characteristics as their father; Alps can sire Draug and vice versa--to say nothing of the ghostly Vetala. To this end Dhampir are usually a 'fire and forget' resource kept anonymous for their own protection and indoctrinated if and when it becomes prudent. Most Dhampir simply die before such things become an issue, either via natural causes, acting on their dark urges or being targeted by supernatural forces. ********************************* There were other bloodlines, but over time they died out. Leading some to believe that if you destroy the first of their line (The All-Sire) no more come into being. ******************************** Female vamps -can- get pregnant. BUT THIS IS THE WORST IDEA EVER. Their poisonous wombs twist whatever fragile life takes root there, and the curse permeates the unborn child wholly. What's born is crooked and foul...