Aldric was examining the road, the tacks of the cart were easy enough to find. He was about to start following them when he heard a voice call out to him. It was Guinevere, the Mayor's daughter, and his sparring partner. In all the years he's known her she's been a kind and responsible person. The only thing about Guinevere that Aldric found perplexing was her incredibly desperate need to get away from the Vale. She wanted to go out and risk her life adventuring. That desire was something Aldric could no comprehend. What was the purpose behind running around and risking your life like that? No, that kind of life held no appeal to the young ranger. His purpose was here, helping the village grow and thrive. Making life better for it's inhabitants. That's why he enjoyed delivering herbs to Doctor Ashgrave's clinic, because he knew he was helping people. And that's probably why he found Varric so irritating. Because the young bard felt compelled to make people's lives harder. Following that train of thought perhaps that's why he felt such a strong bond to Alixanna? Aldric broke himself out of his thoughts as soon as the young physician entered his mind. Thinking of her only filled him with worry and some amount of despair. What if he couldn't find her? What if he never finds her? The young ranger felt the dread at that thought deep in his gut, like a huge gaping hole that absorbs any good feeling. Finally his thoughts were brought back to the task at hand by Guinevere. "There's enough food for a week's journey as well as a medic kit for emergencies. I know you prefer to be alone, but together we'd be the ultimate team and Alixanna will be home safe and sound before the next sunrise." Aldric couldn't help but chuckle at that. "You've come prepared, very well. It's not that I prefer to be alone you know, it just always seems to end up that way." It was an image everyone had about him that he just couldn't shake. Aldric Eleros the lone wolf, never needing, or wanting for that matter, the company of others. Which put Aldric in a very lonely place, the only two people who weren't his family he considered friends were Guinevere and Alixanna..... "We WILL find her."