[hider=A super-duper short post, because I ran out of time] The waves cut violently through the endless expanse of the grey ocean beneath them, searching for their ignorant target. They found it: there was a little wooden boat, bobbing happily along. Judging from the design and fashion, one could easily tell that it originated in the north, from the Sviebard colonies. A delicately woven and striped sail guided the ship from above, whereas sailors carrying lengthened paddles pushed it from below. The seeking waves drew ever closer to their victims. "Captain!" A deathly panicked voice called out, "A Terror!" The Captain of the ship lurched out of his seat at the sound of certain fear in his first mate's tone. He sprinted like lightning to the bow of his vessel. Gazing into the deep blue of the sea, he saw that the fearful sailor had been right. Lurking beneath them was silent and waiting death, a grotesquely large and distorted beast. The horror was not made any more tolerable by the thin layer of water between it and the defenseless boat. The word [i]Terrorfish[/i] flashed through Captain Svil's mind. He was in shock. This could not be happening, this creature was one of legend and myth, out of children's stories and the ravings of mad old sailors. But, for all his disbelief, the slimy sea-monster did not vanish. It's body stayed stock still, but it's single, yellow eye seemed to follow the Captain's gaze- as if the monstrosity knew it had been discovered. The massive waves still relentlessly charged forward. "Turn the ship round! Quickly, quickly, back for the shores! We are being hunted!" Sweat was dripping down the red-faced captain. The waves were dangerously close, now. "Captain, the tide and waves are against us." The sailors had not yet noticed the threat. "By Kraken, I don't care! A Terror is coming for us!" A cold shudder of shock ran through the small fishing crew. They were not prepared. No defenses, no escape boats, and not a weapon between them. It was every man's worst dream come to life. A few of the men on board attempted to bend fishing hooks and rods into pathetic make-shift harpoons to match the single one they had, as if it were actually possible to slay such a thing with mundane tools. The waves were in view. "Captain...do you...do you see that? Svil saw it, alright. He had been in dangerous situations aboard before, but nothing like this. He crumpled down to his knees, praying to the gods. Undasis- to calm the waves; Svieand- the Lord of his homelands; Escre- to treat his soul with mercy, should the other gods ignore him and he perish. The waves suddenly twisted and pulled down, heading instead for the Terrorfish. They hit it. It was suddenly cast against the rocks it had been leaning on, it's skin- for the first time in it's life- tearing like paper, and it's muscles snapping away. A single command seemed to travel through the essence of the ocean, reaching the fish's small mind with all the force of a god- [i]Leave them be.[/i] The crew was left miraculously unharmed, and left to tell the mercy of Undasis's waves to the rest of the Sviebarden. [center]-_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_-[/center] It did not turn out nearly as well for the Terrorfish. As it swam for the safety of its undersea cave, it noticed it's skin starting to harden and become immobile, while it's fearful eyes began to glaze over and shine like rubies- for that's what they were becoming. The creatures eyes turned to rubies and it's skin to marvelous stone and marble. It's teeth transformed to diamond. It was a beautiful, motionless statue, eternally caught in a fit of fear and desperation. The Terrofish was not the only thing to undergo this shocking transformation. The walls of it's cave became a matching red and contrasting blue, and half of the water drained out, leaving it possible for both air-breathers and sealife to visit the location. The water sparkled as brightly as the stars in the sky, and multi-coloured wisps of light flew playfully in the air above. Any who entered would be overwhelmed with a sense of peace and safety, and a knowledge that this place was a most holy site of Undasis. [hider=Mighty Summary] 6 Might spent to create the "Hidden Cove" holy site. 0 Might and one Freepoint remain. [/hider] [/hider]