[@c3p-0h]: Okay, here we go. - Name: - - Needs a last name. A character without one instantly raises a red flag. Seen that too many times before. - - And surely this person would have had a name before taking the name of her previous master. You don't specify one at all, and that just makes me even more skeptical. - Appearance: - - A braid that long would be markedly longer if it were loose. That's almost floor-length, and is probably a large weight. Especially in combat. - - The scars indicate, to me at least (and the guys I roped into taking a look at the application), either that she's not that good at fighting - unlikely, given your consistent use of the subject - or that they're there for decoration. - - The tattoos. Much like the scars, you don't specify where, when, why, or how she got them. Moreover, what tattoo artist would allow or perform such extensive work at her age, if not younger? The largest one covers more than half her arm. - - - If no-one knows what one of the tattoos is, she should know - if she doesn't, she has a problem - and you still need to specify what it is. I don't approve of applications that hide details from the GM. - Personality: Jarring, hostile, brushing off flaws and errors, inclined to deliberately unnerve and irritate... these traits give me the impression this character would not fit into a group of travelling Trainers, and the biography backs this up heavily. As a side note, the first impression I got from reading this section is that the character leans towards the villain side of the spectrum. I'm not looking for villain applications. - Talents: - - Characters should not be experts in martial artistry, as is mentioned in the template. - - Some of the talents don't show up anywhere else, and as a result I get the impression they don't contribute to the character and are just there because they can be. (See commentary on CallSignCorsair's application.) - Starter Pokémon: This feels to me like it was thrown in just for the purposes of ticking boxes, making sure the character complies with the requirements of a Pokémon role-play. - Bio: - - First and foremost: I apologise for not specifying details upfront, but at the same time you need to ask me for information instead of diving headlong into a character that I've already established - even if only in name. None of your use of Master Song is how I envision him to be. - - I might be reading this wrong, or otherwise lacking in general knowledge, but I struggle to understand how a child is born to parents already past their prime. - - I'm disinclined towards the idea of underground fighting as a whole. It's not something that fits in with how I see the setting. As an aside, [i]Sengun[/i] is not meant to be as 'dark' or 'gritty' as that. I'm sorry, but I don't feel I can accept any part of this character, even with rewrites. If you wish to try again, I suggest that you do so with a different character. Recommendation: Don't try to make your character special. Instead try to be normal for the setting. [hr] If you aren't sure about something, ask me and I should have an answer for you. This goes for everyone, by the way.