[center] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/89/r169_457x256_15540_Female_3d_character_female_girl_woman_portrait_red_hair_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance:[/b] Julia was created with a dark, red colored hair typical of what many people call gingers. Her skin, though it does not burn, isn't much one for tanning and thus she has almost always had pale, freckled skin no matter how long she has been in the sun or a tanning bed. The only way she can actually get a 'tan' is by having it sprayed on to her like it is paint. Like all other soldiers trained in the Daedalus Initiative, Julia is muscular and has an average size frame standing just short of six feet and eight inches while weighing a hundred and eighty-four pounds. Her eyes are a deep green color though, due to her augmentations, her eyes change into a pale green when activated. A tattoo is placed on her left shoulder in the form of a bird found on Earth known as a Sparrow since she particularly liked the look of the cute, little bird. [b]Name:[/b] Julia Walton [b]Call Sign:[/b] Sparrow [b]ID TAG:[/b] 314390 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Psychological Record:[/b] Julia shows no sign of any sort of mental issues related to having been born from a tube nor being trained to be a soldier since she was young. Rather, Julia seems to be quite content with her life and shows no animosity towards anybody who has been training her. She has a bubbly personality, the kind that wants to make friends with everybody and everything. She is quite unusual in that she trusts people easily and it is very hard to lose her trust. Julia is always happy and more than willing to help her team members when they are in trouble. When she is getting ready to fire a shot, Julia is deathly serious and lets nothing distract her from making a clean kill. Oddly enough, Julia doesn't really feel bad for killing people sho are willfully going against the CEU. [b]The First Ten Years:[/b] Early on in Julia's life she showed an unusually high level of perception and sight, higher than most of her brothers and sisters. Upon further testing, it was shown that Julia had a visual acuity of 20/8 feet meaning that she could see the same detail from twenty feet away from an object as a person eight feet away could see. This meant that her eyesight was extraordinary compared to the typical 20/20 eyesight. After her basic physically training was done, Julia often trained using a pistol at a shooting range where four targets were set up. Two targets were set up at a hundred feet away and the other two were three hundred feet away. The objective was for Julia to shoot five bullets at all four targets each time and make a bullseye each time. Julia's first attempt at the shoot range had her shoot 4's and 3's, better than not hitting at all but not what the soldiers and scientist training her wanted. For around five years, Julia trained on the same range. Whenever she actually shot bullseyes, the target she shot at was moved back fifty feet. Once the first set of targets reach five hundred feet away, Julia was given a ARR-221 in order to truly test her skills with long range shots. Of course, Julia's young life wasn't just training. She would read many books on subjects ranging from types of animals on Earth and other planets to basic mathmatics. Julia loved to learn and as such spent her free time reading whatever she could get her hands on. As such, Julia learned quite a bit on mostly useless subjects for somebody who would eventually become nothing but a soldier. [b]Cybernetic Augmentations:[/b] Both of her eyes are agumented to allow for nightvision without the use of a nightvision scope and her longs are augmentend to hold more oxygen for longer periods of time allowing for more stable shots. The augmentations to Julia's lungs allow her to hold her breath for around three minutes easily and up to five minutes. Small implants on the alveoli of her lungs act as small factories, converting CO[sub]2[/sub] to O[sub]2[/sub]. Though, the use of these implants cause a build up in carbon in her body which is pumped out into the urinary system. Longer than five minutes will produce too much carbon causing an overflow which would begin to form graphite like crystals in the pumping. The graphite crystals clump together to form lumps inside the pumps blocking flow and, if left in position, running back up into the implants and damaging them. [b]Combat Role:[/b] Long Range Weapons Specialist, Scout. Julia identifies hostile targets and marks the pattern of their movement. Once the infiltration team members are ready, it become Julia's job to eliminate the guards or patrols throughout the base from around three thousand meters away. She also is trained to recon the perimeter of a target's hideout and identify possible escape routes the target might use. [b]Loadout:[/b] A TED Rifle with a fifteen times magnification scope and two Hawke MK III's with red dot sights. [/center] I'll be working on a sample post now. Shouldn't take too long to write it. [hider=Writing Sample] [b]"Come on! Take the shot already!"[/b] yelled a voice not too far behind the young girl kneeling at the shooting range. IT was the typical part of training with anybody assigned CMC Jerome. They would yell, scream, throw things, and even occasionally fire their guns at targets on the other side of the range. It was all part of her training. Julia had to be trained to be able to fire the gun under pressure and fire it with the utmost accuracy. Failure to do so would result in a cut from her rations or some of her books being taken. As such, she had learned long ago to take the shot even with them yelling at her as if she was nothing but a bad dog. All she had to do was tune them out but, as simple as it sounded, it was truly a difficult task as well as fire a perfect shot. [i]Focus, focus on nothing but the bulls-eye. Nothing else matters, the bulls-eye is key. Alright, now just inhale and fire.[/i] Julia inhaled a breath and held it. All of time seemed to slow down as she held her breath. The cross hairs of the scope of the ARR-221 lined up with the bulls-eye, a direct center. The time came for her to fire the round and, as she squeezed the trigger, she let the air out of her lungs and a single pop resounded through the shooting range. A single bullet flew through the motionless air of the shooting range and slammed into the target eight hundred feet away. The small hole was not on the bulls-eye though. It was a quarter of a centimeter away from the center and more on the nine. [b]"That's not a bulls-eye Walton! You know what that means, you're going to have to lose a few books for that. Maybe you'll learn to actually spend more time practicing at the range rather than reading books."[/b] cried out the Petty Officer. Same punishment they had given her since she first began shooting. The punishments no longer affected Julia though it did annoy her quite a bit to have them come marching into her room and take the books. Her brothers and sisters would mock her, call her a nerd for reading, and would say that she couldn't make a perfect shot no matter how hard she tried. They pissed her off every time they started on their tirades about her failures. It 'built character' said the officers who watched over them whenever Julia complained about it. They weren't meant to be soft and one was soft if you couldn't up with a little bit of mocking from her brothers and sisters. Then again, Julia did tend to do the exact same thing to them so she didn't really have much to complain about. They would forget it in another week or, better yet, Julia would remind them of their own failures during training. At the most, Julia may spend a day having to deal with her 'family' but it wasn't all that bad, it mostly felt like a bonding moment for her. After all, some of them she may never she again should she be assigned to a different unit than them. They could die any day and, just like that, Julia would no longer have a family member. She had truly 'grown' up with everybody and they honestly were like a family to her. And like family, Julia didn't quite know what she would do if she didn't have them. Maybe, just maybe, she actually loved her brothers and sisters as much as she would real family members. [/hider]