[center][img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/supagoldengirl_zpswsdizjn1.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kar'a of House El, daughter of Zor-El and Alza. Much of her given name does not translate into terran languages. On Sol-III, Kar'a has a few aliases, chief among them the US native Kara Connors. [b]Alias:[/b] When she dons the ceremonial vestments of House El Kara becomes Supergirl, guardian of Sol-III. [b]Origin:[/b] Kar'a of House El was born to an esteemed line, but one long past it's golden hours. Where House El had once been noteworthy for it's Science and Administration Caste members, too many generations had past without anything of note from House El. Some said this was starting to change with brothers Jor-El and Zor-El; both were well known in their fields, though both struggled to overcome the dwindled fortunes of House El. Political connections had been lost to both brothers, making their climb to renewed respectability all the more impressive. And ensured their story, and the story of every Kryptonian, would end in tragedy. If House El had retained it's prominence, maybe Kryptonian decision makers would have listened to Jor-El. Had Zorel been convinced by his brother sooner of the coming end of times, something could have been. Something, anything. But nothing was done, for no one listened. When the universe gave signs of ruin no Kryptonian could dispute, it was already far too late. Krypton was in it's last twilight. Many young Kryptonians refused to accept it. Surely their futures were not gone already. Something could be done, anything? Some tried. Ero of House Rol, the most renowned mind of the Science Caste, became convinced of a universal doorway that could be constructed, and used to at least get some young Kryptonians off the surface. Individual craft, he argued, would never get enough Kryptonians off the surface to make a difference. Most would likely die in the long, A.I. directed, trip to whatever destination while the Kryptonian lay dormant in stasis. Where the renowned dismissed the idea, Jor-El and Zor-El became obsessed with it. All they needed, the brothers argued, was to get Kal and Kar'a off the planet. Kal was so young, and the trip so inherently dangerous, that Jor-El's wife nearly talked him out of sending the infant. But Kar'a promised she could look after him, and protect her infant cousin. The mission was finalized, construction and training for Kar'a began. It was then that Kar'a said saw many of her friends for the last time, saying farewells before retreating to Jor-El's secluded citadel. Kar'a still keeps a picture sent to her by a group of her friends, all of them together for the final end, mere hours before the dying began. The best laid plans...as predicted, something went wrong with the plan of House El. Kar'a craft went off course, slipping through an unrecorded wormhole. The A.I. of her craft, Sanctuary, corrected the course, but the damage was done. Going off course would cost Kar'a twenty seven years, unknown to a frozen in stasis Kar'a. She would spend an unknown amount of time at the bottom of one of Sol-III's oceans, until a figure with alabaster skin and starlight for eyes came to her in dreams, and gently pushed her back to realm of the conscious. It was Kar'a first contact with any Terran, and the figure's protective nature, to say nothing of what he did for her, would do much to open Kara's mind and heart to Terrans. After awaking just in time to save Sanctuary from major damage, Kar'a would spend days repairing Sanctuary to full functionality and working order. Immediately after, Kar'a moved onto the second thing on her 'To Do' list: expose herself to the yellow sun. The resulting chaos in her physiology would result in Kar'a becoming quickly ill, but even quicker was she feeling better. Better than ever. And soon after that, better than she ever could have imagined. Sanctuary set up a training regiment for Kar'a, and soon there were endless days of VR training in Sanctuary, and live training over the depths of the Atlantic. Soon Sanctuary would locate Kal, but twenty seven years was too long for Kar'a to retain any hope that Kal might know her, or be compelled to listen to her as another Kryptonian might. Sanctuary suggested Kar'a seek him out, but she would not: not until she knew more about him, until she knew he wasn't completely "humanized." Instead, the plan became her own covert assimilation into the population of Sol-III. Months of training and research on Sol-III followed, all of it in the utter isolation of Sanctuary and the Atlantic ocean. Eventually a plain was laid; Kar'a would adopt the alias of Kara Connors, Sanctuary would break into human computer networks and establish the details of the identity. Since money was needed, Sanctuary took it from the computerized bank accounts of several human corporations that Kar'a had discovered during research to be more harmful to the planet and eco-systems of Sol-III than good. The alias and funding in hand, Sanctuary edited the records of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston to make Kara Connors a first year student; one face among so very many. The school's strong record in Science and Technology appealed to the Kryptonian Science Caster. The idea was to provide Kara with an introduction into not just Terran technology and science, but an introduction into the society and culture of 'hew-mans' as well. During her stay at MIT, the Astrology department reported several break-ins. Nothing was ever taken, but their instruments and computers were always left pointing to the same sector of deep space. Despite searching for curiosity's sake, the MIT astrologists could never find anything in the sector of space. Only debris and light from an explosion of incredible magnitude. Once Kara Connors left MIT, the break-ins stopped. While her assimilation to Sol-III and it's customs weren't complete, she'd been given an opportunity to get closer to someone she had highlighted during her research: Lex Luthor. His Presidential campaign had come through Boston, and there Kara had dazzled a pollster working for the Luthor campaign with her ability to compute even complex statistics in her head. Moreover, Kara offered several algorithims for more efficient, improved, polling. Quickly, the pollster gained permission to hire Kara, and take her to Lex Luthor For America's national headquarters in Washington, D.C. Though Sanctuary warns her about going too far with her "bizarre" fascination of Lex Luthor, even the A.I. can't deny the benefit in keeping an eye on the 'hew-man' that they've noticed Kal keeping an eye on. Luthor may be her only connection to Kal thus far, and so far she remains unwilling to let the connection go. Sanctuary suggests she is still trying to protect a grown, and largely "humanized" Kal. Kara dismisses it, attributing it to scientific-like curiosity, and little more. During her stay in Boston, Kara remained an undercover student. For much of her stay in Washington D.C., the same has been true. At least, until three 'hew-mans' assaulted the Smithsonian with a suicide bomb, followed by gunmen. The bomb went off, right into Kara's chest, covered by the ceremonial vestments of House El, and the sheild of House El. One of the gunmen, in their broken English, pointed his weapon at her and screamed, "Death to Superman!" After punching his lights out, Kara sneered over the men. But a survivor and eye-witness took up the idea, explaining to the television news camera that was pointed at him, "It wasn't Superman, it was SuperGIRL." Currently, the Department of Homeland Security is coordinating with the NSA to discover the true nature of this "Supergirl." In the meantime, Kara has gone back to laying low, and getting further into terran culture. She has a friend, who showed her icecream, and movies, and high heels, devious and evil a remnant of terra's sexist history as exists, as far as Kara's concerned.......though they do make her legs look rather good. At a campaign function, she was introduced to a Kyle Kayce, a military officer for the US, and a 'hew-man' that possessed the unusual ability to make Kara laugh, seemingly whenever he wanted to. Despite her caution, and warnings from Sanctuary, Kara accepted Kayce's offer to go on a "date." They have gone on three, and while Kara finds herself enjoying the man's time when they can find mutual time together, there are no illusions on her end: she is using Kayce to acclimate herself to Sol-III, and for information on the US military. He doesn't realize it, but Sanctuary is hoping to use he and his secure work laptop as an entrance to the U' military-intelligence complex's "secure" internet. While information on the US and it's intentions are nice, what Kara really came to D.C. for was Lex Luthor. After several promotions within the Luthor campaign, Kara Connors finds herself close enough to Luthor's senior staff that she has seen Luthor already a dozen times, and been introduced to him once. It's only a matter of time until Kara and Sanctuary have the opening they need to learn much, much more about Luthor and his intentions. [b]Attributes:[/b] Like all Kryptonians under a yellow sun, Kara possesses vast superhuman strength, speed, and stamina; invulnerability; flight; super breath; x-ray vision; telescopic and microscopic vision; freeze breath; heat vision; and super hearing. Unlike most other Kryptonians left, Kara was truly raised in the Kryptonian culture. Her training as a Kryptonian of the Science Caste remains her foundation; her work with, within, and upon Sanctuary and it's A.I. a clear testament to that. [b]Stomping Grounds:[/b] On a daily basis, Kara has found herself rooted in the Washington D.C. area, working in the national campaign office of Lex Luthor for President. In her off time, the world is literally her playground, though she maintains a small apartment a short bus ride from the campaign office in D.C. [b]People of Note:[/b] Sanctuary - advanced A.I., as well as the modular vessel that brought Kara to Sol-III. Kara's partner/sidekick. Kal - cousin. Aware of his existence, watching from a cautious distance for now. Afraid he's "turned" human. Gemma Hamilton - next door neighbor, fellow college student turned campaign staff, closest thing to a normal friend Kara has to speak of. Lex Luthor - smartest man in the world, by Kara's estimation. Not the wisest. Kara finds herself fascinated, but will only study him from afar...and within his organization. LCDR Kyle Kayce - aviator in the US Navy assigned to the capital as a congressional attache. Kara Connors has gone on three dates with him in the past month; apparently this holds some social significance on Sol-III. What social significance, exactly, Kara couldn't say. Dream of the Endless - he found her while she lay in stasis at the bottom of the Atlantic, and rescued her from never-ending sleep of a malfunctioning stasis pod. Sometimes Kara feels his presence when she sleeps. [b]Character Goals:[/b] I want to write a good, quality, Supergirl. A girl who lost her entire world, then lost decades of her life, only to re-emerge on a strange world filled with stranger people. Survival is an ongoing crisis, a struggle to come up with new reasons to stay, a struggle for her soul between tragedy and tomorrow's hope. This Kara will be an alien first, and a superheroine second. Less irrational teen girl, and more overwhelmed young Kryptonian woman, just trying to find a solid place to hang onto in the great cosmic storm that is the ever-expanding and volatile universe. I'd like her to get close enough to Lex to have some idea of what he really is, maybe even really tangle with him. I'd like her to eventually meet Kal, even see Smallville. More than anything, just want to get her involved in story arcs. I don't always play well in isolation. [b]Sample Post:[/b] [i]Do you know what infinite darkness is...?[/i] [i]"My name is Morpheus, and I know it well, Kar'a of Krypton. It eventually ends. You can wake up--I know the way. You need only follow."[/i] [i]Follow you to fire and ruin? There is nothing left for me in waking, Morpheus. Nothing left for me, any where.[/i] [i]"There is Earth, and soon water. Awake, Kar'a of Krypton. Before you drown."[/i] The scream had frozen in her throat; from her very last conscious moment, watching her parent's great home shake violently and crumble as fire exploded from the sky all around. Krypton was dying, and unlike it's people, the planet had no intention of going quietly into the night. But while the scream had started in the dying gasps of Krypton, it ended in the cold darkness of another planet. A new planet. Sanctuary's design had factored in all elemental and natural circumstances. Whereas Kal was an infant who could not protest, in Kar'a they had a Kryptonian who was only a year of study away from Final Trials in the Science Caste. She knew the perils, she knew exactly what could go wrong with an automated interstellar vessel. She had the greatest faith in her father and her uncle...but she had still gone over Sanctuary and it's design plans herself. She had still been at Jor-El and Zor-El's side as the vessels were constructed. She still raised every concern about her own safety that she had. She could have landed on a water world, and Sanctuary should have been fine. She, inside Sanctuary, should have been safe and dry. So when the darkness passed beyond her and light began to once more hit her eyes, Kar'a was expecting anything but what she actually got: emergency klaxons, and the sickening scent of circuitry burning. For now, the scream and the fire and ruin was shoved from her mind, survival instincts kicking in, her hands more clumsy and stiff from stasis than they ought to be from such a short trip. It made reaching and pulling her stasis chamber's emergency release closer to impossible than design dictated it should be. Along the far reaches of her spine, she felt a cold rush of panic, all the way from her tailbone to her ears. [i]How far has the design failed?[/i] That fear deepened as she finally achieved release from her stasis pod, and fell down to the floor of Sanctuary. The vessel was dark, only sparks illuminating an all too familiar interior to Kar'a. But Jor-El had insisted she spend hour upon hour training for just this very scenario. Her father thought it extreme, but Kar'a was Science Caste like Jor-El...she understood the need for contingency. But they had never discussed a contingency for three meters of water in Sanctuary, with more bone chilling black water rushing in from...somewhere. "Sanctuary, talk to me." Kar'a half expected the A.I. to be extinguished, despite it's protective casings. Or to not understand her; even she had to admit so soon after stasis that her voice sounded more drunk than newly awakened. "We are at the bottom of a medium sized ocean." Kar'a spit the ocean water that had rushed into her mouth when she fell to the floor, drawing her body up uneasily on hands and knees, her hair and everything else soaked. "H2O ocean. Is this it? Did we make it to Sol-III?" "Yes." [i]Small miracles.[/i] The only light came from her stasis pod, at the moment, glowing like a light bug in a night time Kryptonian forest. It meant the circuitry from the batteries to the computer cores had been damaged. "I thought we were designed for oceanic landings, Sanctuary?" "We are...we were. A plasma storm along the way has hindered much of my functionality. I would assist you if I could, Miss Kar'a. I do apologize." She almost chuckled, but for the salt taste still raw in her mouth and throat. "Just relax, Sanctuary. How's the exterior nano-repair?" "It is the reason we are not completely flooded already." [i]Okay. Big miracles.[/i] It would take time, but the nanite skin of the craft would keep them from drowning--assuming she got main power restored. Normally a safe assumption. But when she could barely seem to use her fingers...? "What happened to me, Sanctuary? I shouldn't be this physically deteriorated, I feel like I landed on an ice world and got left in the elements." "I am still computing possibilities." Even as Kara yanked on the release mechanism for the required access panel, her blue eyes twitched upward. "Did water get in your core casings?" "No." A few quick yanks, and a small shock that left Kar'a yelping, and at least tertiary power was restored to the interior of the craft. The rest would take a nano multi-tool, a laser cutter, and a lot of spanners. The main tool box was behind a panel that could finally open with tertiary power up and running. But even as her fumbling fingers went about their tasks, Kar'a mind returned to an earlier suspicion. That Jor-El and Zor-El would try to protect her, even when they were gone forever now, and there was no protecting her from that. "How honest are you right now, Sanctuary?" "85%." "Try 95%, and answer my question again." "Done. Which question, Kar'a?" "What happened to me?" "We went off course. You were in stasis for longer than your father and uncle ever anticipated, and--" "How long?" "...twenty seven years." The tears thawed her cheeks from the frozen sting of sea water, burning all the way down to her chin. "We still have to stop the water and fix the power relay system, Kar'a." In the frozen black water, Kar'a of House El, daughter of Jor-El and Alza, dropped once more, the shock and horror of it overcoming everything to leave her on the brink of sobbing. Instead, Kar'a finally finished that scream that started during the destruction of Krypton, her last memory of her lost home world.