Harry frowned around at the others surrounding him, embarassedly hoping that no one really noticed his stomach's growling. Thinking he was in the clear, he sighed in relief, only to hear a lady's voice approach him. Turning around to notice the lady he noticed earlier, he saw that she was a red head which was different as he had never met many red haired people. Then he abruptly heard her introduction and noticed her hand offered for a handshake. "Oh, sorry for being slow to hear ya, that is a nice name, Saira." He said as he thought he rhymed. "I'm Harry, and its good to know that the food is of a high quality, because I'm famished." His stomach growled again and his mind groaned in shame. Sarant noticed the man's grumbling stomach and laughed out heartily. She scooped a spoonful of (suggestions?) and shoved it to Harry's face. "Here! A traveler always enjoys his journey more in a belly well fed!" Harry laughed as he was spoon fed food from Sarant. He then turned to the medicine woman, and snow elf, next to him. Although it was difficult for him to initially introduce the elf, he managed to introduce both, "Saira, I don't know if you've met, Sarantsatsral-", he indicated the short lady next to him "-and Silcia." He indicated the elf lady standing a few feet away. "Ho!" Sarant greeted with a smile, with morcels of food visible in her plumped mouth - evident of her rather ravenous apetite. "If you ever need a wound or ailment looked at, feel free to give me and Silcia a nudge!" She continued while helping herself with another serving. "Though, I might charge depending on the availability of my wares. In that case, you might want to beg a favor from Silcia!" She chuckled a bit at her own apparently greed before grabbing a juicy piece of meat and placed it onto Pash's food bowl. Indeed, for such a large feline, Pash has his own mealbowl made out of a hollowed tree trunk with his named etched onto the sides. -Line break, yo- Saira grinned, "Oh, no worries! It was rather abruptly that I decided to, well, make conversation and all that." She glanced over her shoulder to the table of delicacies and simply nodded, giving a quick glance to the food, but mostly lingering her gaze on her lute. Call her paranoid or whatever, but she honestly did love that old thing, she'd truly be heartbroken if it disappeared on her. It didn't seem to have been touched or moved since she had put it down (not that she would have minded if someone gave an experimental strum), but as long as someone wasn't currently trying to smash it, she was sure she'd manage. "I definitely recommend you try everything, Kettle really did outdo herself with all this! In fact, I wouldn't even be insulted if you marched away from this conversation to go get something." she laughed, turning back to the conversation at hand, "In fact, I think you stomach would even thank you!" But instead, he turned to allow her into the conversation and introduced each of the others to her. "It's wonderful to meet you two as well! From what I gather, you both contain amazing medical prowess? That's simply amazing!" Saira said, waving to each of them, "Though, I do believe I've meet Silcia before, if I'm not mistaken. Are you perhaps that same elf that happened to save my life all those years ago? Details are a little fuzzy, pardon me, with the blood loss and all, but perhaps you are one and the same? If so I'd just like to offer my thanks, I fear I didn't express any gratitude, you know, being on all those anesthetics." -another break ayyyyyy- Harry couldn't resist the food any longer, all he could hear after Saira encouraging him to take part at the food tables was her voice in a mumble as his mind was already preoccupied. He marched to said tables laiden with their various delicacies and grabbed some metal utencils at the tables edge. The performer then noticed some watermelon with a large fork inserted into a piece at the top of the plates stack, he used that fork to give himself a general helping, not caring how many others there might be after him trying to eat. After several moments of gathering this type of fruit, scooping mash potatoes, jello, and all sorts of stuff, his plate was atlast full. He decided to find a small table for himself to dine at, and then rejoin the others as he refused to be chowing down while they were all foodless except for Sarant. As he was finishing his food, Harry felt a tap on his shoulder, he rose to his feet to see kettle next to him. She had a request for him to bring everyone inside, easy enough. "Sure I will." He said smiling. Within, a few moments, he was out the cafe's front door and raised his voice before thinking better of it as he only saw one person outside. A girl next to the doorway, he turned to her, "I've been told Kettle wants everyone inside, probably to give a speech. Anyways, I'd appreciate it if you would come inside and meet up with kettle." He then re-entered the cafe, assuming the girl would be following him and within a few short minutes of waiting along with everyone else, Kettle began her speech or rather story. [@Darcs] He had heard rumors of a powerful tree that lived long ago, but Harry had never managed to encounter someone who could say 'I've seen it first hand.' It was actually one of his goals, to encounter this supposed tree, but he had never known where it actually was. Having just learned its actual location and that they were apparently going to go there, he jumped up in the air in his excitement. His excitement was abruptly cut off, as he heard a skeptic among the others of Kettle's audience besides himself. He turned to see a creature with skulls on it, it was different but he frowned more towards the creatures skepticism than to its appearance. He addressed the creature, "Kettle is a very experienced adventurer, who knows facts from lies or non truths. She wouldn't make this stuff up about where the tree is, and I'm actually quite shocked that you can't seem to trust her." He was going to leave it at that but the creature's last sentence irritated him. He walked up to the creature, he was maybe a foot away from it as Harry spoke with a patient tone to his voice, "A story can sometimes, yes be made from non facts or imagination as it is often called, the ideas that come from our minds. Often imagination is brought about by what we experience around us and that is how stories are often based off of 'true stories.' Now true stories are accounts of past events, or a listing of facts with a nicer description to be heard from someone's voice or letters on a parchment to be read. Because of the existance of true stories, not all stories are 'false', as I assume you would call them. It would be an insult to storytellers everywhere to say that any stories were 'false." Harry took a deep breath as he finished speaking, alot of the words coming his heart as a storyteller himself. [@Cinderella Man]