Appearance: [img][/img] Name: Skorri Bearclaw (Pronounced Score-e) Age: 189 Titles/Alias: "The Headhunter", "The Lone Wolf" Race: Dwarf Rank: Mercenary/Bounty Hunter Weapon(s): One two-handed Axe, two one handed axes attached to his belt on either side. Personality: Skorri is very loyal and see's every task out unto the end. However, so far he has been only loyal to coin. Either way you can pretty much count on the dwarf when you need to. Skorri is quick to fight however, and prefers to brawl through his problems than talking through them. Other than that he has every typical dwarven value. Bio: Skorri, from a young age, has always wanted to fight. However, the strict codes and rules of the army didn't suit him at all, and left as soon as the opportunity was available. Orders from superiors, limitations, it wasn't for him. With no other knowledge to make a career out of it, Skorri decided to take on contracts and bounties whenever he could, earning his name and slowly developing into his role of a Mercenary. This new, lone wolf kind of style suited him, he could work how he wanted, when he wanted, and if it helped people along the way that was good too. Some mercenary groups asked him to join them, but each time he said no. He would have to depend on people and follow rules like in the army. Now the call against Masabral has come, and Skorri, combined with the promise of fight and dutiful nature learnt from the army, has decided to answer the call by offering his own axe to the fight.