Falling back to play the role of rear guard, Koji had merely remained silent as the warrior strode across the road. Having seen no sign of trouble (aside for the dead bodies a time earlier) he had decided to defend their path of retreat. Rather not flee into a horde of monsters... Still, it was rather pleasant, gave the warrior plenty of time to reflect on his thoughts... That is until a putrid odor assaulted his nostrils like a putrid wall. Snapping back to reality, he'd glance around as he now realized the state of the path they traveled upon. Decay was abundant and the smell gave no hint to it's departure or origin. At least until the bandaged one spoke. Though not able to follow alot of his speech, he did hear one thing that caught his attention- danger. At once the warrior cursed himself, '[i]If only I were at the front-[/i]'. Though he noticed the change in the beast hunter's demeanor as he consulted the bandaged one, this would not keep Koji's attention for long. "[color=00a651]I will find beast and others! You know monster? Make plan![/color]" And with that, Koji would rocket himself into the forest, aiming to bound from treetop to treetop while attempting to keep the trail of slime in sight. The strength of the smell was getting stronger... He had to be getting closer. Though this continued travel at this pace would begin to fatigue him, his determination supressed the feeling. After a few more moments, a familiar sight fell upon him. '[i]The flying-woman![/i]' at once his spirits rose, seeing the sight of an ally and then the other two that came into view shortly there afterwards... However, that joy gave way to anger as he eyed the beast that stood before them. "[color=00a651]Fear the wrath of the Dragon![/color]" the warrior shouted in draconic, the forest and the area around resonating and echoing with the mighty roar that to the unfamiliar was no different then that of an actual dragon's bellowing. As he drew in to engage, his hand at once snapped to his blade, his fiery gaze focused on the creature before him.