Florian blinked as he saw his attempt to make a grab demolished. He had miscalculated the gladiator's range, and now found himself with a point dangerously close to his face. He stopped and raised his free hand to the air. "I yield!" He exclaimed, theatrically. The gladiator glared at him. Florian dropped his sword. Brennus seemed to understand, and loosened his guard somewhat. Florian bowed and turned to the audience. "I have been bested. Truly, Brennus is a formidable opponent. I would like you all to know Lucian's tavern, close to here, offers delicious meals at discounted prices. He said tonight everyone would have free wine!" Cackling, Florian turned again to salute his opponent briefly again, then threw himself off the stage. Lucian wasn't going to get off this easily.