[center][img]http://img04.deviantart.net/4e4d/i/2014/130/4/9/neo_tokyo_by_gunsbins-d7hu3ll.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b][center][h1]WELCOME TO NEO-TOKYO[/h1][/center][/b][/u] A high-tech city coexisted by both average regular people and by supernaturals alike, keeping a peaceful relationship. While usually peaceful, with both sides getting along just fine, there are times where it shatters into bits. Some supernaturals and even regular humans, drowned in their own corrupted power, turn to a life of crime, from vandalizing shops towards extreme global domination, leaving the whole city in pure terror. However, not all supernaturals are evil, as there's a great deal, our superheroes, that combat these evil supervillains to save the city and its inhabitants from harms way. In every circumstance, the heroes have saved the city on multiple occasions, with some being praised for their bravery and powers, keeping both sides bonded together, while some fade into the shadows of their own regular selves... Now is the time where YOU come in. Are you a Superhero? Or a Supervillain? YOU DECIDE! [hr] The rules are simple, like in many RPs: [b]1.[/b] No god-modding - Your character must have the ability to be defeated and killed. [b]2.[/b] No meta gaming - Please don't be the player whose character makes use of knowledge that the player is aware of but that the character is not meant to be aware of. [b]3.[/b] No Auto-hitting - Auto-hitting is when someone attacks another role-player without giving the other player a say in what happens. So don't randomly bite or slash a character's head off (unless they are NPCs). [b]4.[/b] Do not control another person's character unless they allow you to do so for a certain scene. Only then are you allowed. (PM the person if you want to do so) [b]5.[/b] Do not kill another player's character without permission. Only then would you be allowed to kill the character. This also include the character's major gadgets and buildings (Ex: Homes, Coroporations, etc) [b]6.[/b] You can do romance in this Roleplay, but please don't escalate it into sexual scenarios. Settle that out in PM. [b]7.[/b] Do not use characters from existing shows, anime, games etc. Make them original! (You can use existing pictures of such characters, but the story, powers, etc, must be yours). [b]8.[/b] Please post at least 1 or 2 good paragraphs in each post. Of course, more is always highly appreciated. [b]9.[/b] If you have any questions, please ask me for additional info. [b]10.[/b] HAVE FUN!!! [b]Notice:[/b] You also get 3 chances if you break the rules. 1st time you do, I will kindly tell you of your mistake and you must please fix it. 2nd time, I will also say the same thing but a bit more strict. 3rd time, I will notify you that it's your last chance. Break that chance, and I'm afraid I'll have to kick you out of the RP. [hr] [b]Profile Template:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] (Can also give he/she nicknames) [Picture] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Hero/Villain/Neutral[/b] (Pick one) [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] (Please have at least one weakness, but again, for people fighting the player, don't meta-game.) [b]Other:[/b] (Theme Song, Voice, etc, Optional)