Wallas fell from his ride and rolled to his feet, he knew he had to act fast. If that Malboro used it's bad breath on them they would be finished. He darted in front of Lume and Greg and told them not to move, he looked for weak spots and tried to figure out a strategy to bring down the fearsome creature. His eye flicked over to Lume. [b]"It is vulnerable to Earth. Please say you have some earth based spells?"[/b] His gaze returned to the huge fiend before him and studied its movements looking for signs of aggression but found none, yet. [b]"Lume, I'm going to cast Sleep, if im successful follow up with earth based magic, if im not then spread out and keep your distance. ... we need to surround it."[/b] Before Wallas had the chance to cast sleep the fiend suddenly dashed across the forest floor toward him, diving out of the way he shouted for the others to encircle the beast and try using long range attacks. He quickly returned to his feet and drew his axe, he began swinging and flailing stylishly to try and intimidaye the creature, it would not work with a fiend of this level, it dashed again with its rows and rows of teeth agape. Wallas dived again and rolled as the creature advanced on him. He had no escape. He holstered his axe and with bared hands began to burrow under ground as the Malboro thundered into a tree. Wallas doubled back on himself and jumped up through the earth to strike the fiend with his axe, the creature let out a monstrous roar and readied its next attack. Wallas screamed for everyone to turm and run out of range as the Malboro began to spill its bad breath across the field of battle. Wallas tirned and managed to let loose a Sleep spell which only managed to lull the beast and fail to actually knock it unconscious. [b]"Damn it, missed.... Lume are you ok? Where are the others? We're going to need them"[/b] He asked across the battle field