[hider=Shēn Hiei] [center][u][b]Profile Template:[/b][/u][/center] [center][img]http://img05.deviantart.net/2392/i/2011/148/9/f/tsuna___target_232_by_tsukiko1991-d3hf0h0.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Shēn Hiei [b]Age:[/b] He's sixteen years of age. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Hero/Villain/Neutral:[/b] Neutral [b]Powers:[/b] Shēn's body is many times enhanced by a genetic mutation, originally given to him by his mother's mutagenic genes. His strength, speed, agility, and general instinct/mental reaction time is many times more enhanced than the average or above-average human, giving him supernatural attributes in each of those categories. He can shift his head slightly to the side to easily dodge a high-caliber bullet - or bullets, he can run faster than a speeding sports car, and he can lift above one ton without any signs of discomfort. He has tight control over his body, and can limit his strength and speed accordingly. However, his reflexes and brain is constantly in it's top shape, meaning that he can't fake being clumsy and uncoordinated unless he purposely fails. His 'main' power comes in the form of Fire Manipulation. His body is entirely fire-proof, while he, himself, can manipulate fire to a molecular degree, forming it out of his own body, or even out of thin-air itself. [b]Weapons:[/b] None. [b]Personality:[/b] Shēn is a very calm, observant kid, with a composed and almost distant demeanor, combined with keen fighting prowess. Very mature for his age - more mature than most adults, honestly, despite having some naive moments. He tends to stay quiet unless he feels the need to speak, and his voice, despite young, holds an undertone of authority that forces those around him to, at the very least, listen, even unwillingly. Although inwardly kind, he prefers not to be a hero nor a villain, not wanting to make that choice at such a young age. Sadly, his powers and sense of morality often forces him to defend innocents, although he tries to do it in a subtle, non-dramatic way. During battle, he's his normal self, his unnaturally keen and analytical/observant soul allowing him to predict moves before they happen, and easily see through illusions or tricks of the eye. He coolly defeats his opponents, showing no mercy to irreedemable enemies, while showing restraint against non-villainous humans. If he were to be forced to fight someone he cares about, be it teammates or friends, his full amount of care is shown, seeing as he would carefully and accurately absorb the force of their attacks, before swiftly knocking them unconscious, painlessly. He could be rather...dry and sarcastic when forced to interact with annoying people, and often shows dislike for the more dramatic heroes and villains. [b]History:[/b] Shēn's life was, surprisingly, very non-dramatic and simple. His powers were manifestated at a young age, and his mother - having the same type of powers - taught him how to control his attributes to resemble that of a gifted, if not average human. The fire was sort of...surprising, but, thinking that it was a simple genetic mutation that mutated after the [i]original[/i] genetic mutation, it was harbored and trained by them both, in secret. Shēn's mother didn't enjoy the entire 'hero vs villain' thing that constantly went on, which is why she attempted to keep Shēn away from that sort of environment, so that he could focus on his studies, and form a happy, interesting life. He agreed, to a point, although the constant shielding tended to annoy him. Whenever a hero went crazy in the mall, fighting some other villain, he would be rushed away with the crowd, often shoved around due to the high numbers...it was infuriating. During school, he was a studious, quiet individual, always acing his tests and never really having discipline problems, other than the few times he was picked on and shoved by bullies. They weren't killed or anything over-the-top like that, but they were later found, knocked out, hanging by their shirts in the gym's locker room. Life continued on, with Shēn stopping the few subtle crimes whenever he unknowingly stumbled upon the scene, and generally living life with his mother. His father was never really spoke of. Time passed, and before he knew it, it was time for his Junior year of high-school. He wasn't exactly looking forward to another year of doing the absolutely same thing, but he wasn't really hating the idea, either. He had a few friends in the place, after all. However, excitement....it was a bit lackluster in his life, and didn't happen all that often. Unknown to him, his life would be getting a lot more exciting, as he's sucked into the story of other heroes and villains. [b]Weakness:[/b] Shēn's body, albeit more advanced than that of a regular human, is still just that - an enhanced human body. If you manage to hit him with enough force or puncturing power, he can, and [i]will[/i] die. Similarly, due to his innate fire powers, high pressures of water affects him more than the average person. Despite being immune to fire, higher, more dangerous pressures of the cool liquid can cause him burns, and, if dangerous enough, even melt his skin, which would take a very long time to heal. Being drenched and water-logged will also slowly sap his strength and energy, along with over-using his fire manipulation powers for too long. [b]Other:[/b] Nothing much. [/hider]