Varric looked around for what felt like forever. He went to many of Guinevere's usual haunts, amazed that she wasn't at any of them. He even went to her house and asked about her, but her mom has no clue. It was only when he returned to the in. That he found out what happened that very morning. [color=82ca9d]"She walked out, white as a sheet then red as a beet. I feel as if she may have been a little bit surprised to see you and Ezra in such a state."[/color] his mother hd said, snickering at the hilarity of it. [color=007236]"Huh. Well, I knew my body could inspire people to emotion. I just didn't know that terror was one of them,"[/color] Varric had responded. If Gwen was looking for him, then realized he was indisposed, then there could only be a few other options. Aldric, her dad, and Aldric's dad. Varric didn't think she would properly trust anyone else to go adventure with her. Maybe Alixanna, but she was the very one missing. So, Varric thought to himself. Where could Aldric be? No doubt he would have struck out on his own to find Alix as soon as possible. He was a good man and often worked alone. So all Varric had to do was follow the trail. After some class A sleuthing and a lot of dumb luck, Varric managed to come upon Gwen and Aldric. He stayed away for a moment, listening, melding into the wind. He felt at peace as he did so. There were few things he enjoyed more than working his magic. It wasn't something he learned so much as something he [i]did.[/i] The natural world felt more like home than the inn did, sometimes. He listened to Gwen, smiling despite himself. She was already packed for adventure. All Varric had brought was his lute and a back up healing potion. He was glad she was so much more responsible than him. She'd saved his ass plenty of times before. Especially in the bandit incident. He smiled and appeared when Aldric declares that they would find her. Varric loves the passion in his voice. He'd always admired the ranger. He got the feeling that it wasn't exactly mutual, however. Flower petals flew off of Varric as he detached from the wind, appearing in full view of the others. [color=007236]"Indeed, we must find her. I do not know Alixanna very well, but she is well beloved by the village, and I have seen many a dour face as I searched for beautiful Guinevere earlier."[/color] For once, serious, Varric spoke again. His voice was free of its usual loquaciousness. [color=007236]"It was...disturbing, to see so many sad and scared people. I want to help fix it."[/color] He paused a moment, before smirking and returning to his usual self. [color=007236]"Also, Gwen. You should learn to [i]knock[/i] before entering my room in the morning. I'm not exactly a prude, and many travelers have caught an interest in the Bard's mystique. I'm amazed it took this long for you to accidentally pop in. No doubt Mom's already writing an epic ballad about the encounter."[/color]