[b]The Dragons And Prey War[/b] The dragons were still mighty and powerful creatures. However, Sauranath finally awoke from his sleep to see the creatures who he viewed as his children as being hunted for more than fear. They were being hunted for sport. Sauranath made a roar that shook the stars. The night sky rained down stars on the world down below. Those who hunted dragons for sport, the Cimex, had earned the wrath of the dragon's breath. Sauranath's feral dragons, the massive tyrannosaurs that were now being used for their parts like animals were the most fierce creatures of the world now. . . Sauranath breathed new life into utterance, speaking words calling forth, as if by wielding the mighty sword against his enemies with every breath. Minions of the peoples hunting the stars were now in danger. Mirtagn soared through the night sky. He roared in both the dawn and dusk hour. Unheard of magics, with the fullness of power of any magic ever taught among mortal kind was fully inside Mirtagn's body. His scales, his bones, his entirety of being. Villages, towns, sometimes cities. Mirtagn destroyed enemies in every-way possible. Cries of the defenselessness, inability to defend themselves, and anguish, mingled with mind blowing surprise from all enemies were the theme of the new days. [hider] -12 Might spent to raise a level 1 Hero and raise it to level 12. The oldest Crystal Dragon, named Mirtagn. -3 Free Points spent on empowering the oldest Crystal Dragon, Mirtagn in the stars to come down. The Creature soared through night skies... With the hardest of bodies any Dragon ever had. His magic tore through any mortals, and even Wi users looked in awe in how the Dragons changed from victims to more than over-comers. -6 Might spent to boost Sauranath from level 4 to level 5. -3 Might spent to Bless the Dragonkinds, all broods, with a much higher fertility rate stars are suddenly appearing where none were before. -1 Might to form the Dragons into larger societies. -1 Might to form an Avatar, Sauranath is in the form of a massive Crystal Dragon. [/hider]