[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/60/49/6e/60496e555b5d78b5804302fdb0d70fcc.jpg[/img] [i]The game is on again, A lover or a friend, A big thing or a small, The winner takes it all.[/i][/center] [center][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [i]Jack Kennithson The Dealer[/i] Or, mostly [b][i][u]The Dancing Jack[/u][/i][/b][/center] [center][b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Unknown for certain, Police records suggest that Jack is roughly 23 years of age however. [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male[/center] [center][u][b]Hero/Villain/Neutral:[/b][/u] Jack is most likely considered a villain, even at times a SUPERvillain due to his powers, however he prefers to think of himself as something with slightly less... negative connotations. Therefore he refers to himself as a Super-menace. [u][b]Powers:[/b][/u] [u]The Game Master[/u] The power that Jack possesses is by no means boring, he cannot run at super speeds, nor can he fly. But rather he is able to set rules to objectives. Like some form of twisted game. To give an idea as to how it works, imagine if Batman HAD to complete the puzzles that the Riddler sets for him. If there is something that someone is trying to do, then Jack can set conditions. That villain you were chasing? Well he's on a building. So while you get up there why don't we play a game? Thirty minutes, you must get to the roof. No flying. Only one staircase will lead you there. Find it and you win. But what happens if a hero, or for that matter anyone, loses one of these games? Well. The answer to that is typically, essentially nothing. Well, they've lost the time that the game went on for but the heroes will always emerge unharmed, unless they got hurt during the game itself. But, and it's a big but. Jack can keep them with-held for losing the game or do something like take some loose change like some kind of RPG character. It will be part of the losing conditions naturally so he wont do it randomly, but it can prove to be a real pain in the ass. Another real-world example that could happen: Your taking a commute - hey even the best heroes need to - when suddenly the trains breaks fail. Your time limit is and hour, until that really sharp turn where the train will probably derail killing a whole bunch of people. Stop the train. The only rule? You do not change it's course. The losing condition, well. I suppose it would have to be your lunch. And that is all she wrote. No one said the power doesn't have it's uses. It's ability to set these games could become a great asset, but screwing with people is fun enough. [u][b]Weapons: [/b][/u] All there is in this category is a neato baton, one of those that you slam into the ground to close.[/center] [center][b][u]Personality: [/u][/b] Jack isn't that bad of a person, well not if you know him well enough. But his tendencies to cause chaos get him set aside as a bad person. So you know what? If that's what they label him why not play the part? More people like him exist so why not get in their way, set the back? Just be a pest? That is the extent of Jacks motivation, screw with people like him. It's not a vendetta, if he stopped then no one would search after him, after all. His crimes are petty. Other than this slightly to optimistic approach to his situation Jack is cool headed, well, about 85 percent of the time he is. If you're wondering that's his typical win rate. You know what they say, the house has the high ground. [/center] [center][b][u]History: [/u][/b] You know what rule number one of gambling is? The house always wins. And ain't it a kick in the teeth. Unless of course you ARE the house, but so few people get that pleasure. Jack learnt that at a young age, making so called "bets" was commonplace and when they're rigged from the start you soon learn to steer clear, unless, much like the house you're the one who's doing the rigging. But school-ground bets are the little-leagues. Like a gateway drug only much less harmful. It starts out small, maths homework answers, then onto pocket money and boom before you know it your in a high-rollers casino. Its where you start early that makes the big difference, and for Jack, well. He got an early start when it came to dealing out the cards. 85% that's how much the house won when Jack was involved, it was slightly below expectations but it kept people coming back for more. At least that's what the house thought. No one swindles money from the house, not even the likes of Angele Merkel. But that's a whole different story. So there he was, thinking he was taking candy from a baby, but in reality the baby was waiting to take that candy right back from the poor sucker who took them on. When jack was next in the high rollers table it was as a player. But that was few and far between. He took the time to reflect on life, enjoy himself a bit. He visited his Grandma every Sunday, they enjoyed a game of monopoly usually. And then it happened. His power emerged. Life went all kinds of strange after that. Ups and downs of whether things were looking up. Sometimes he felt like a king, he WAS the house now. He set his own rules to his own games. Other times he felt like a freak, it was a maelstrom of conflicting thoughts and opinions. Then it hit him. If he was the house, then he would secure his 85% win rate in life. That's exactly what he got, for a time. Three months down the line and he was in the slammer. "Thirty minutes, get me downtown, you lose... half of my fee" it was nothing special. But the game had commenced and it was very, very real. It was difficult to explain at first, but the meter sort of just... stopped. Like the taxi wasn't moving. Soon, it ticked over, at half the rate it normally would. The cab driver realized and called him out. That's to say, he actually called the cops, accused Jack of messing with his stuff. Well, what can he say. The other 15 percent had to kick in sometime. But then he delved more, played more games. The results were shown to be real. He was labelled as some kind of minor criminal. Nothing particularly amazing. But still, someone would come after him. He just needed to play the waiting game. Soon someone would come after the Dancing Jack, who makes up these names? Mind you he had it coming, his "criminal signature" was to leave a Jack of Spades behind to signal that it was him who was the so called "perp".[/center] [center] [u][b]Weakness: [/b][/u] At the end of the day, a game is a game. He may be able to make them out of reality but this certainly isn't science fiction. He can't make people disappear into thin air if they lose. He's also not greatly suited to combat, which is why unless he just so happens to have a Quetzalcoatlus to hand he isn't going to be fighting. Also if you really want to kill him, just win the game an put a bullet in his head. He's also hydrophobic, just don't bring it up. He tries to ignore it. [u][b]A theme:[/b][/u] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92cwKCU8Z5c[/youtube] [u][b]A Battle Theme:[/b][/u] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylGuzAE7dOs[/youtube][/center]