Vata's expression became increasingly confused as Alex explained who he was, and that he didn't know who the unconscious man was. Even if what he initially believed about the unknown man was true, it would not have made him any more, or less confused. The concept of a clone was alien to him, and furthermore, the possibility that two seemingly distinct people were in fact just two instances of the same person was just as bizarre, if not even more so than the idea of clones. While he had heard of, and seen some very strange things made possible by Blood Shaping, this was well outside the realm of possibility of what he knew about it, since it only seemed to produce unusual physical characteristics, not supernatural abilities like this. He also knew of no Shapers with any abilities like this. Now that Alex had told Vata [i]who[/i] he was, Vata wondered [i]what[/i] he was. "So, both you, and Xavier are both the same person? You two certainly look the part, but I have no idea how two seemingly distinct people could be the same person." Then, a thought occurred to him. Where is this person, entity, or whatever Alexavier Xelanar is from? Perhaps that could shed some light on what's going on here. "Also, where are you from? I am from the city of Nishi'an, in the Great Abeyance, a vast desert in the south."