Izumi an Taki line up on the foul stripe waiting the signal and when it comes they bolt forward as if shot from a gun. At the first cone Taki is one step ahead of Izumi but she cut's his lead in half with a more efficient turn. By their third suicide Taki's lead is five paces but each are still within the time limit. It is in the seventh run that Izumi's more efficient style begins to regain ground as he brothers energy level drops a fraction. When they cross the final line Taki's lead is only two steps ahead of his sister and he is visibly winded where as Izumi seems to be merely breathing deeply [B] "Dam sis sometimes I hate you[/B] chuckles Taki as he quickly catches his breath [B]"You just need to stop trying so hard bro, you're expending more energy than you need to. I'll show you some tricks I learned form coach Yamada when we get home[/B] says Izumi her expression surprised that she could have caught him and even passed Taki if they'd gone three or five more