[color=f9ad81][i][b]Rowan Delacroix[/b][/i][/color] Rowan held her hand up in front her forehead in an attempt to block out the strong rays of the sun streaming through the windows. [color=f9ad81][i]"His shoulder was injured before the fight?"[/i][/color] She made to tug her hood down over her face, but her discomfort was alleviated when an umbrella suddenly appeared and levitated a fair distance above her. She lowered her wrist from her eyes and looked over to Leval, who was already making his way carefully over to a shaded area of the deserted training hall. [color=f9ad81]"Perhaps it would be better if you went to the medical wing now, rather than after the fight."[/color] The vampire removed her hood and glanced up at the parasol shielding her from the blazing light and back over at the injured human. With a sigh, she strode towards the wall he was perched under and timidly sat down beside him, leaving more than a few inches between them. [i][color=f9ad81]"It appears that humans do not have the capability to regenerate as quickly as vampires."[/color][/i] Rowan sat up with her back resting against the wall and her legs stretched out before her. She folded her hands neatly in her lap and pulled the large sleeve of her cloak over her wrist that still carried the red stain. [color=fff200]"Well that was an interesting fight, I can't believe how fast you are. Does your hair always change like that?"[/color] Leval spoke up once again, a hint of weariness in his voice. Rather than responding, Rowan nodded kept her gaze trained at the wall across the room. He chimed in once again, but his voice started to falter towards the end of his sentence. [color=fff200]"Listen about the blood, really not a big deal. Had a choice this time... knew the barrier would..."[/color] From the corner of her eye, Rowan noticed his head droop onto his arm. [color=f9ad81][i]"Did he faint?"[/i][/color] She turned to face him completely with a look of concern on her face. Her angst subsided when she realized he had just gone to sleep. [color=f9ad81][i]"Should I take him to the infirmary or leave him to rest?"[/i][/color] She scooted a little closer to the human and knelt by his right side. [color=f9ad81][i]"I shouldn't disturb him. It would be best to leave him to rest for now and seek out Mr. Fiji myself."[/i][/color] Rowan stood up from her spot and brushed herself off. She stared making her way over to the portal, glancing over her shoulder at Leval every so often. [color=f9ad81][i]"Is it really alright to leave him alone like this?"[/i][/color] She tapped the floating keys in the elevator to enter the main level of the school into the holographic device. [color=f9ad81][i]"-It would be better for me to get Leval Lamrue some assistance; I'm afraid of how much blood he lost as a result of my foolish actions."[/i][/color] The portal shook beneath her feet, but she clung to the railings to steady herself. Rowan soon found herself in the lobby, and her head was spinning as a result of the tremulous ride. She clutched the side of her face and staggered down the stairs towards the front desk where the receptive elf resided. [color=f9ad81]"Mr. Fiji, there is an injured student in the Combat Training room who is in need of your aid. A human- Leval Lamrue, rank C..."[/color] Her voice shook, but she was determined to get Leval the help he needed. [color=92278f]"Is that so? Alright, I'll send for some help to transport him to the infirmary. I assume it was a result of a rough battle, hmm?"[/color] The tall elf joked as he swiped his fingers across a holographic keyboard. Rowan remained silent as she lowered her eyes away from Yayo. [color=92278f]"-Er, sorry... I was just poking fun. You can meet him in there in a little bit. It's on the 2nd floor, West Wing."[/color] The vampire bowed politely before making her way back to the portal. This time, she entered the keys "2-W" and was headed for the clinic.