[hider=Captain Arashi] Name: Hiroki Sakai - Captain Arashi [img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b511/rasone0104/narutohav_zps48b76377.jpg~original[/img] [img]http://blog.gundamplanet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/12pm-wild-tiger-tiger-and-bunny-review-60.jpg[/img] The front of the suit instead has Arashi Technology's logo on it, and the shoulders are Max Cola, and Games Factory Inc. Also while the helmet did come with the suit he doesn't wear it, instead opting just for the mask he was suppose to wear under it. [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/9942/f/2011/188/6/4/tiger_and_bunny___wild_tiger_by_digital_jello-d3lc3g4.jpg[/img] Age: 18 Gender: Male Hero Powers: Although right from the start Captain Arashi has super human strength of up too 10 tons, along with endurance and stamina to match. The truth mark of his powers is in the form of what Arashi refers to as 'Power 100'. Where for five minutes Captain Arashi's power increases by 100 times. Which on top of making him grow almost half a foot taller and much more muscular, gives him endurance and stamina increases as well. Weapons: Aside from any weapons he just happens to use or make in the heat of battle, nothing but the fists at the end of his arms, and the feet at the end of his legs. Personality: Hiroki is a kind enough soul, someone who does want to see Neo Tokyo be a good place to live in and clean of the filth that can hide in its little nooks and crannies. However his means to go about it are frankly disgusting for Hiroki. He never feels like a superhero, more just a meager puppet who happens to do good things when told usually. Although he is famous its only really Captain Arashi that's famous, Hiroki himself is just another face in the crowd, which for the time being his okay with. Before everything happened Hiroki was actually quite into fitness, riding his bike, practicing free running casually. He had hopes of entering a competition like Ninja's Path (Aka Ninja Warrior for us). However because of his sudden powers he had to dash those dreams. He doesn't resent his father though for everything that happened, he just resents the people behind his father. History: Growing up both Hiroki's mom and dad worked for Arashi Electronics. One of the top companies in the world of everyday gadgets like TVs, gaming systems, sound systems, and lots of other things. Despite where they worked though the family life was fairly small. The house was just out of the city and not too big. Which was fine for everyone involved. Hiroki went to school, where he excelled in sports like baseball and basketball, and would look after his younger brother Shinji until their parents got home. It wasn't anything special, but Hiroki was okay with it. One night however Hiroki got to take a week long tour of a major university in downtown Neo Tokyo. As it was Junior year and the school wanted him to start figuring out where he would go after graduating. Hiroki one night decided out of boredom to take a stroll downtown. While he was out and about he saw some of the other students on the tour leaving Arashi Technology after getting a tour of the place and talking mightily about it to one another. Not realizing that a car was coming speeding towards them. Quickly Hiroki ran and leapt towards them to push them out of the way. Only for his body to violently slam into and get mangled by the metal. Hiroki couldn't move, was coughing blood, and felt lots of metal shrapnel lodged inside of him. His father, who was just getting off work and stopped by the now three car pile up that had occurred. Saw Hiroki and in a sudden bout of desperation grabbed him, picking Hiroki up as the young man lost consciousness. When Hiroki came too he had found out his father used some of the company's new prototype medical equipment. Not only saving Hiroki's life but inadventantly making him stronger, and able to become even stronger at will. Hiroki was thrilled at the second chance. But quickly Arashi Technology sent lawyers at the family. Saying Hiroki's father used the equipment without consent and 'endangered the company's public image'. However they were willing to compromise. If Hiroki was willing to use his new found powers to fight crime in the city on behalf of the company. They would drop the lawsuit and even let his father keep his job. Hiroki accepted, at first thinking it was a win win situation. Only to quickly grow frustrated by the company's demands and constantly having him be in commercials, public autograph signings, and countless other things that have left Hiroki unable to even finish high school without having to drop out. The young man is now miserable, desperate for a way out without hurting his family or his own future. Weakness: While Captain Arashi's strength during power 100 does grow to incredibly high rates he only has it for five minutes. After that he loses a lot of energy, and even strength and muscle mass compared to how he normally is, leaving him very vulnerable. He only really uses it then in desperate situations, or when his sponsors want him to do it to wow the onlookers. Otherwise while bullets from a normal hand gun only bruise him, he can get hurt from high caliber rounds. Other: The person in the car who hit him was Ryo Miyaichi. [/hider] [hider=Elasti-Tron] Name: Ryo Miyaichi – Elasti-tron [img]http://fe867b.medialib.glogster.com/media/32/3243bdf1826a8ef3cc2111dc4bfa19214dc5f95904a0c33dea8977a2c5db4786/derek-stiles.jpg[/img] Still needs the glasses for his shortsightedness even after getting his powers. [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/0e13/f/2008/178/1/a/stealth_suit_by_tysho.jpg[/img]\ Suit doesn't come with the two arm blade things or the helmet. The suit is comprised of a very elastic material that allows for complete freedom with Ryo's powers. The suit has a pair of deep red goggles which not only allow him to see with his prescriptions but have night and heat vision modes. Along with this he wears a black scarf which covers the lower half of his face and has a loose end which flutters in the winds (Wasn't his idea, he hates it). The entire suit has sensors and other things which all connect to a micro system in the suit. Which keep track of any movement Ryo makes, including stretches, moldings, or anything else. He simply keeps all the data to research it when he gets a chance. As he still wants to learn more about his powers. On top of all that Ryo keeps various small tools in his suit's numerous pockets. Including lock pick tools, small gadgets which allow him to hack into security systems, and even helium capsules to inflate for a quick escape (it seemed like a good idea at the time, but even Ryo realizes how silly they are). Age: 16 Gender: Male Hero Powers: Able to stretch up too three miles long from fingertip to toe. He can also remold himself, suck in air to inflate himself, exhale to make himself stick thin or flat as paper, and numerous other feats. Weapons: A few years of taekwondo training from his boyfriend Lee Yong, a longtime student and black belt in the discipline. Personality: Even with someone of Ryo's amazing intellect, there's still an almost child like glee to him that can be considered infectious or annoying considering who you are. Ryo likes being friends with people and people being his friend. Which if you do become a friend of his can be a serious blessing since Ryo is someone who would go out of his way for other people, hence why he takes being a superhero so seriously in a lot of ways. Despite his genius intellect, Ryo still loves to learn things. History: Ryo Miyaichi is considered one of Japan's brightest minds despite his youth. However growing up Ryo had a very troubled childhood. His father was abusive and his mother was all but submissive to his will. Ryo took a lot of punishment himself until finally he ran away at the age of seven. He went to Neo Tokyo where he began to showcase his genius in unusual ways. Being able to not only trick the system into getting an apartment to stay in, but using new small creations and their patents to help keep the money together so he could pay rent with ease. Eventually Ryo came up with a way to help his mom escape his now former home and when his father came looking forward. Ryo took him to court getting both himself and his mom independence from the abusive man. Ryo hasn't seen him since and is cool with that. As Ryo graduated high school and college by 13 years old he met Aya, a young girl his age who was also running from a hard life. He welcomed her into his home and the two become friends. Through Aya's determination to see what Ryo was really all about. Finally as Ryo began to do work with Arashi Technology for work in his preferred field of medical tech. Aya introduced him to Lee Yong, an aspiring professional fighter with skills in Taekwondo. Aya knew about Ryo's homosexuality from seeing his browser history and wanted him to be with someone. A little persistence and some great dates won Ryo over on Lee. The two becoming close as Ryo finally felt like he found peace in his life. Then the night happened... Ryo was growing very frustrated over dealing with Arashi Technology, and their constant attempts to take the patents of the technology he was creating right out from under him. Including the one for his greatest work. A nanite program which could help reconstruct a person's missing limbs. It was all after a particularly long night of working on the program when Ryo almost fell asleep at the wheel of his car. Driving towards a group of young students who were touring the building. Suddenly though noise, and so many other things caused Ryo to hit a young man who had saved the others, and through that caused his car to spin, and slam into oncoming traffic hard enough that his legs were sliced almost completely off. Although the family of the man he hit never pressed charges, the idea of what he did put Ryo into a tailspin of depression. Until finally one night after drinking saki he got the idea to use the nanite program on himself. He did so, and despite Lee and Aya trying to stop him they were both amazed to find out it worked. Soon Ryo had fresh new legs, and seemed like brand new. However something wasn't right, quickly after the procedure Ryo became unnaturally flexible. Finally Ryo woke up one morning to find out his body had tangled and stretched all over his room, leaving the floor covered in his limbs. Fear quickly turned to curiosity, and Ryo discovered the nanites in regrowing his limbs also caused particular side effects which caused his body to become incredibly elastic like rubber. Originally Ryo had only planned to study the effects to fix the program. However both Lee and Aya once again stepped in, suggesting Ryo use his powers to fight crime. Ryo hated the idea at first, but once again their persistence paid off, as Ryo was given a suit, sent out into the world, and quickly realized he could mash studying his powers and getting some stress relief through bashing skulls in at the same time. Weakness: While incredibly stretchy Elasti-Tron isn't really as strong as many of the other heroes out there. Meaning if his in a fight with a stronger person he can get captured and tangled up if his not careful. Also, while its only happened once before, if Elasti-Tron stretches too far, his body can tear and possibly rip into pieces. Ryo however is too scared of testing that theory though. Other: Completely regrets what his done with Hiroki being the person who hit him and not only almost cost him his life, but the fact Hiroki is, for lack of a better term, Arashi Technology's bitch now. He wants to set things right, but need the right time and chance to actually meet up with his fellow hero first. [/hider]