[b] [i]"I feel indifferent about all that is going on. Not because I favor or disfavor a specific side, but rather because I want things to return to a normal standing." [/i] Name: Daniel Norwake. Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: A male of fairly below averaged stature, one that is certainly not fit for any large standing roles among the pack, but he seems to prefer it this way...yet he does hope and is rather earnest that he does get a little bit bigger. Being 5'7 and weighing just over 120 lbs is not exactly ideal. He possesses short cut black hair, with despite his his below average height and weight, he is equipped with a decent stature and build. As a wolf, similarities of his human appearance do care over, as to most he is fairly small, but makes it for his less than average size and strength with notable agility, finesse, and speed. His shade of fur is a middle of the ground grey, with streaks of black here and there. Nothing special. Personality: Someone that cares less for the disturbance between humans and werewolves, and as such will try his best to not be involved. He prefers to not get involved in any sort of conflict. Some would call his actions "weak" or maybe even say that he's "running away" from problems, refusing to face the day in stride. His philosophy however, is that problems need not to be escalated. Because of this, he feels remorse for both sides, the werewolves are being persecuted due to actions from a small few, and humans who will obviously face direct action from his current pack. The ordeal is too much for him, and unfortunately it seems that he'll be forced to get involve. All in all, he'll have be looking out for himself, within the safety of others during this ordeal. History: Not much history to share as he was not personally affected by the transpiring events, or lived not much of a life before hand. The most notable parts of his life is more so the hole that he dug for himself during the events. As tensions began growing, Daniel seemed to...recede away from it all. Not really "going into a shell" but more so pulling away from the pack, and thus because of this, he quickly fell through the social ranks, being a low tier beta, to the lowest of the low: Omega...to the eyes of some. That is not really something he cares for at the moment, as far more important things shall come. Rank within the Pack: Omega Pups: N/A Relationships:[/b] N/A Sorry if my sheet is a tad meh. ;-;