"You've come prepared, very well. It's not that I prefer to be alone you know, it just always seems to end up that way. We WILL find her," Aldric said determined. Guinevere couldn't help but smile. Picking Aldric to be apart of Alixanna's rescue team was a great choice. Originally, she had planned for Varric, Aldric and herself to all work together but just the two of them would work fine. Guinevere was about to suggest they follow the tracks when flower petals magically fluttered around, taking shape of the last person she wanted to see at the moment. Varric. [i][color=bc8dbf]What is he doing here?[/color][/i] [color=007236]"Indeed, we must find her. I do not know Alixanna very well, but she is well beloved by the village, and I have seen many a dour face as I searched for beautiful Guinevere earlier. It was...disturbing, to see so many sad and scared people. I want to help fix it,"[/color] Varric said, showing a rare side of himself. Most people of the village thought of him as a prankster, rude and uncaring. Yet somewhere deep, deep, deep down was a selfless version of himself, someone who cared, and was compassionate. It was the reason why Guinevere was his best friend. [color=007236]"Also, Gwen. You should learn to [i]knock[/i] before entering my room in the morning. I'm not exactly a prude, and many travelers have caught an interest in the Bard's mystique. I'm amazed it took this long for you to accidentally pop in. No doubt Mom's already writing an epic ballad about the encounter."[/color] Guinevere felt her face flame at the mention of her embarrassing moment this morning. Rather than running away, Guinevere grabbed her sword before Varric could even blink and gracefully swung in it front of his throat. [color=bc8dbf]"You were saying, Varric?"[/color] She asked daring him to reply, although she was almost positive he would.