A harsh pain spontaneously erupted upon her arm, rousing the young female from her blissful slumber and causing for her to jolt upwards from her bed. Still slightly drowsy, she brought her hand over to her right arm, then gently pressed upon the blue spot that pulsed with agony. Akujo inhaled sharply to muffle her inward yelp of distress and exhaled slowly to relieve that same injury. Careful to lift her bruised body from her sleeping spot, she walked out from the room, remembering at the final moment to have her key card upon her person, and attempted to locate where a possible infirmary or clinic might be. It took several tries of talking to others for directions and following them as best as possible in order for her to finally be standing before the door of the health clinic. Knocking upon its dark wood, she then opened the door to enter and was kindly received by the female elf working as the nurse. Upon seeing her wounds, she clicked her tongue. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh dear, those bruises aren’t looking too good. How long have you been here?” The witch was about to reply with a proper answer before realizing that she hadn’t thought to keep track of the time that had passed since she arrived. “Um, I’m sorry, I don’t know,” she meekly responded. Seeing her slight discomfort, the worker lightly sighed before giving her a forgiving smile. “Well, you’re here now, so you don’t need to worry about it much. Take a seat on the cot over there, if you don’t mind.” Akujo followed the finger that had been pointed over towards the small, purely white cot that had been set aside and set upon it as instructed. She had begun to kick her legs, one after another in a childish succession, when the doors burst open once more to reveal a vampire with worry and concern written upon her face. She had almost seemed to be searching for something, and when it wasn’t found, panic also arose upon the petite female’s features. Not one to quietly observe while another suffered, Akujo called out to her. “Hello? You there, with the black hair. Are you okay?”