Its been a while since I have been on the site. In fact, I changed my name. I was known as SweetPlum before. I came back because I miss being here. My best friend and I have been RPing together whenever we get a chance (you know, life happens). He convince me to come back (without realizing it). I am looking to have a few partners to do some 1x1's. I will be creating my own RP soon. I have a few things up my sleeve. A few ideas I was looking for was: - Game of Thrones RP (I have only seen seasons 1-4. D: I am waiting to see season 5, please no spoilers. I already know about Jon Snow! *cries*) - Walking Dead or Zombie related (Caught up on the seasons) - Orange is the New Black (Woot! Just finished 3rd season ;D) - Hunger Games (making our own story, not really following the real story. Ask if you are wanting to know more). - Harry Potter (before or after Harry attends school) - Breaking Bad (Yea Bitches) - Falling Skies (Seen seasons 1-4) I am also open to anything else. I am a huge romantic person. I also like to write dark, fucked up stories. Oh, mature content. I do cuss, I do include minor sex (VERY MINOR), and I can get graphic with things. So please, don't RP with me if you get easily offended. I do have a life.. you know.. family, job, LIFE. So, I can be a bit slow replying. I make it a goal to reply daily, and also let you know what is going on. I am good about getting a few posts in daily. I also like to write medium to long. 2.5 paragraphs or longer is what a I like. :) If you are interested, please PM me! :)