Freddy watched Cass walk off. Mangy barked a few times, and Freddy rolled his eyes. [b]"Shut up Mangy."[/b] Mangy barked again. [b]"Mangy shut the fuck up! He's not cute!"[/b] Freddy sighed, before opening the container. Huh, two tiny brownies. Homemade. Freddy passed one to Mangy. With most dogs, you had to be somewhat careful about what they ate. Mabaris were ridiculously durable. Freddy wouldn't trust the mabari to fight, say, Paxton's pet fucking LION, but he'd seen the dog fight a Drake and win before, and Mangy seemed to love eating chocolate just to freak non-Fereldans out. Mangy devoured the sweet, and Freddy followed suit on his own. Immediately, he blinked, and smiled despite himself. [b]"...That fucking dicklicker better survive. I need to know this fucking recipe."[/b] Mangy barked in approval. Freddy looked over at Gerald. Little known fact, Freddy was good at reading people. He used to lead men into battle himself, and had been a field commander for the Inquisition in a few fights. Despite his temper and such, he was a surprisingly competent leader. Mostly because he noticed people's emotions. He could tell when one of his troops needed encouragement or a drink. So he had no difficulty noticing Gerald was nervous. [b]"You okay, Mage? You look like you're about to piss your fucking dress."[/b]