"It's gonna be hard to lay a finger on anyone once you're pinned to the wall mate," Archibald said as he slid his finger across the multitude of arrows in his hip quiver. His exposed thumb rapidly tapped across the dozens of nocks as he continued advancing, his one eye peering out from beneath his tattered hood. His gait was measured and his advance inexorable. He was concentrating so hard on Morag that he failed to notice a horseman rush past him until he engaged the eyepatched prick. As he easily sidestepped the clumsy swing, Archibald used that time to quickly nock the arrow and bring the string to his cheek. As soon as the mercenary looked behind him, Archibald's pupils narrowed. He could spot every wart, every pox mark and every scar on the miserable creature's face. He could see the cruel smile hidden under his mask. He could see the slight cateracting of his remaining eye as he turned to judge the horseman. He could spot the fresh pink scar tissue from their last encounter in the Grado woods. He narrowed his eye slits. It would not end there today. As Morag's head started to wrap around again, Archibald fired, the arrow spiralling majestically through the air...followed rapidly by another one at a lower angle...and another one even lower. With almost inhuman speed, the bandit leader was nocking and firing, unaware or perhaps just uncaring of who was behind the wretch. "I am no friend of yours, royal," Archibald hissed, the final word dripping from his mouth like poison as he drew back another arrow, "your kind are scum to me, living in your decadence while others suffer for your lifestyle." He had no love for the high born given his history, and royals he ranked amongst the worst of the lot. Judging by how much from the larder Darius and Aiph were able to take, they were living quite comfortably. "You're lucky I haven't turned my bow on you yet," he said finally as he took a step back to draw the final arrow. Feathered of raven and cardinal, the arrow's shaft looked wormbitten and rotten, however the head was a completely different story. With backward facing barbs and cruel hooks on them, it was a complete horror of a beast...and it was making its way onto his bow.