"I haven't been here very long." Sandro explained with a glance at his watch, "In fact a whole half an hour. I look forward to meeting any [i]friend [/i]of Alistair." Now things were already interesting, but then they always were around Alistair. The hug was enough to let Sandro know in basic terms the last week had been busy for his friend. This wasn't just any meeting, and Sandro, along with who knew who else were there to antagonize these Kingstons. The name was familiar. A group of Vampires, of course, but they seemed to think eating live food was a sin. If Sandro had to keep to what everyone thought was a sin he'd have burned a long time ago. Sandro followed Alistair inside, brushing his hand on the door’s threshold as he crossed it. The building was heavy with age, with the residue of everyone who had crossed through its halls. Ancient. Sandro shrugged off the feeling that bore down on him. He'd take stock of the situation before acting or speaking. Alistair would take the lead. Sandro usually avoided the larger crowds of Vampires, for obvious reasons. There were too many residual memories and the older a vampire... well all the more they carried with them. Humans were easy, so fleeting. For now he was here for Alistair. As much as Sandro longed to reach out and touch something, anything, he didn’t.