As he watched Tre'yan up his game, Cho briefly contemplated some semblance of a plan. He had a good one, one that would instantly end the match should it work. [b]"Hey Barr? I'm gonna do something really stupid."[/b] [color=c79dd7][b]"What, boss?"[/b][/color] [b]"Just watch."[/b] Cho had a good sense of what the boxer was intending to do: confuse, distract, destroy. Same as earlier with that feint that had nearly ended him. He wouldn't fall for the same trick again, not even with his balance impaired. This whole super speed business was like that feint, only faster. He waited. Bided his time. Wait for it. Then Tre'yan struck. He exploded from his standing stance and burst forth with a flurry of attacks, most of which passed through him. Cho concentrated. Those after images made absolutely no sound. Only visuals. That was the key. Image after image buffeted him. Wait for it. There, through the chaos, the tell tale sounds of feet on dirt. Now. Suddenly the boxer was in his face, that deadly right arm screaming in to sock him again in the exact same place. Except Cho was ready. As the boxer surged forward, he too took a step forward. His speed not matching his opponent, he had time to hastily move that single step, past the thrown punch even as the boxer's forearm swung in to impact his raised shoulder. With his knife arm, within that single step he merely twisted his wrist and slightly lowered and extended his forearm so the knife blade stuck straight out, parallel to the ground at chest height. With that step forward, not only was he within range, he was counting on his opponent's forward momentum to carry himself onto the extended blade. Too close for comfort. No way to dodge. The hit on his shoulder was like a truck, sending him slightly off balance, but with arm extended and knife pointing out there was no way he could miss. Unless by some miracle that Tre'yan could dodge that.