Alright, Shy just remember there is no weapon or device yet that can negate Alchemy or absorb alchemy. A weapon can be alchemichally enhanced, however it may not have alchemic properties of its own. =) Also Kirra can't wait to see what you come up with. xD I am working on an Unlinked character of my own. Also the initial setting will be set in Innocense, which is where young Alchemists are brought to be trained as Asylums. So you can consider the first chapter being some what of a prequel where we will get familiar with some concepts and theory regarding alchemy, it will also prove a chance to get to know the other characters. After that a time skip will occur and we will move on to the real plot and story. Also yes while in A.M.R.O you are more or less a dog. You don't choose to go to A.M.R.O to become a soldier, A.M.R.O chooses you to become its disposable assets.