[quote=@MelonHead] Problem with cliche back-stories is that they're almost a necessity, there's literally no understanding the actions of a super-hero without sufficient motive, and most motives have already been stolen by comic book writers by now. Considering the nature of your character, I would just have random DNA mutation at birth be the cause of her body producing a number of proteins commonly found in Honey Badgers rather than humans, hence the superhuman stats, just an idea though. [/quote] Mutants are a safe standby to describe how they got their powers. Nothing wrong with it or overly exciting. I'm not sure her motive yet. [quote=@Vordak] Maybe her hiding in a trench near a honey badger's nest amid a military operation in the African deserts, where she gets turned into a bloody mush by an explosion, bits of a poor, blown up honey badger mixing in with her own flesh. Most are extracted afterwards, when she is rescued and brought to a hospital, but some remain, and when she is put into a regeneration camera of some sort, this turns her into a chimera with both human and honey badger DNA in her organism . [/quote] Poor honey badger but not poor her? :lol Maybe she got into that situation by chasing the honey badger for play and the fight broke out suddenly. The badger could have even attacked an enemy soldier who came to get her (instinct rather than protecting her unless you claim it was an intelligent, mutated badger or something). Maybe her father is a very irresponsible arms dealer who had a "bring your child to work" day gone wrong. Can Wolverine come back from the dead or does he just not die? This superheroine could probably die (nothing says a honey badger is immortal). If she came back to life after the incident then perhaps it was unrelated to her powers or she was barely clinging on to life already. Or maybe she could come back to life but there's plenty of ways to keep her dead so she can't just come back in a couple of minutes good as new or that would ruin the tension quite dramatically. [quote=@Skallagrim] I like Vordy's idea. Maybe a few tweaks but it makes the most sense. Many superhero origin stories aren't as cheesy as you claim. Certainly there are some but then again many of those heroes were written in a time when pulp and cheese are what people wanted to read. [/quote] I'm mostly familiar with the older superheroes, so you caught me there.