[i]This can't be happening. This can't be happening!*[/I] You feel how you start to cry which makes Marco cry even more.** [i]This was going to be a good fucking day! What did I do to deserve this!?[/I] You two weep for what felt like ages. Time slowly seeping away through the walls. You cry yourself to sleep in your chair, not knowing what else to do. ... *Slap!* -"Wake up sleepyhead!" You open your eyes somewhat reluctant to the voice of your captor. -"There we go raise and shine sleeping beauty." Twas Hans who slapped you in the face. He got a dominant smirk on his uncovered face. -"Now aren't you a good girl? You haven't moved an inch since we left, that's pretty darn impressive don't you think Scar?" -"Yepp" He answered back from the table he sat by." -"Enough with the pleasantries though. We have business to do. I would compare you two with a blessing. Ever since we got raided by those Harrison thugs it's gotten harder and harder to work with the lack of manpower. You two will keep us going for about a month more. I'm a nice guy. No really I am!" -"He doesn't joke kids, gave me a job and everything!" -"Ye listen to Scar kids, he know what he is talking about. So I'm going to give you two options. I can send you to the slave traders in Túrass or the whore house in western Frijarl. Both gave me a pretty good prize for you two." [i]They are going to trade us? Túrass is not far from here. A neighbouring country in fact. Frijarl though is way up north. Can I really allow myself to get sold like some kind of item?[/I] -"I'm going to ease up on that gag now scarf girl? So just calm down allright?" Hans took a dagger from his belt and quickly cut off the gag. The feel of fresh air never felt better. -"Well what will it be pipsqueak?" *** *Happiness -3 **Mood changed: Despair *** A). I'll go to Túrass, no way I'm selling my body to some pervs. B). I'll go to Frijarl, Maybe they have mercy on me... C). Plead to get Marco released. I can't let Marco get in trouble for my faults. D). I'll intimidate them. They will tuck their tails between their legs when they find out I'm the crown princess! E). Didn't they say they were short on manpower? Maybe I can persuade them? [Hider=CS]Nymeria Heroica - 14 Years old Difficulty: Hard Items 2 Lassi & 420 Shants Physical Abilities Strength: 6 Agility: 13 Stamina: 12 Fighting skill: 3 Social Abilities Persuasion: 4 Negotiate: 3 Charisma: 6 Social manners: 12 intellectual Abilities Education: 10 Diplomatics: 2 Language: 2 Trade: 2 Royal: 3 Personality Alignment: +2 Temper: +5 Hapiness: -9 Selfishness: -1 Mood: Despair[/hider]