Aihara dashed forward, heading straight for the GEAR that Adrian had injured, putting a couple more rounds into it before getting in range to finish it with a blast from his under-barrel shotgun, but he missed. He fucking missed at point blank range because the Imp noticed him at the last second and dashed aside, drawing a blade for close combat. Aihara laughed, dropping his rifle as the twin blades hidden in his GEAR's wrists slid free and he dashed forward, one hand going for a quick jab through the torso, and the other moving to block the overhead swing the enemy had taken already. The two GEARs had begun battling up close and personal, though Aihara was clearly faster. Blitzkrieg was build for this type of combat and it was showing, the GEAR moved quick, eluding the slower yet heavier swings of the Imperial GEAR. As time went on, and by time, moments have passed, Aihara finally was whittling down the armor on the GEAR, he sliced through the torso after evading one more strike, and watched as the GEAR fell to the ground. Afterward he grabbed his rifle and moved in between buildings to take cover. He called Blade up on comms, "Blade..did any of these GEARs have command mods? I mean yours had to be shouldn't a command variant of any GEAr be at least somewhat identifiable?" Aihara hadn't seen one since the start, and it made him extremely uncomfortable with the current situation they were dealing with at the moment.