[center][h1]Roman Request[/h1][/center] For a long time now, I've been wanting to do one of my Roman-ish roleplays. However, artist block on the character design put me in a funk and I kept putting off trying to find a partner for the specific RP. I am looking for a male who is 18+, high-casual to advance +, and who has TIME to roleplay. I won't share the plots in detail (we can go over them in PM), but the pairing choices are... Well, first, this won't be a two characters exist in a world. We'll be playing multiple characters. (* <-- I play them). [b]Emperor* x Emperor's daughter * x Suitor X Gladiator Emperor* x Emperor's son x Female fighter* x Guard* x Gladiator[/b] [i]There is also a 'smutty' version for the first option. Only on request. Haha.[/i] As the title says, I don't expect historical accuracy. We can build the RP as it goes once the general plot is known. If you're interested in taking up the game, send me a PM to express your interest. :) Thanks.