[color=fff200]Leval Lamrue[/color] [color=f9ad81]"You need not apologize, I felt it necessary to send for help. It was not me who brought you here, so I am not worthy of your gratitude."[/color] Rowan had her head to him, much the same way that he had just done. [color=fff200]'I'm starting to notice a pattern to our talks...'[/color] He noticed that her arm had slipped from her long sleeve and had a red stain on her wrist. [color=fff200]"Then you called the medics to me, that's the same thing. Blood loss wasn't the problem though so I hope that's not your concern. The shadow thing sneak attacked me on my up to the school."[/color] He gestured at her wrist. [color=fff200]"Here let me get that."[/color] Leval shifted his legs off the bed and picked up a napkin off the nightstand next to him. The nightstand also had an empty glass and pitcher of ice water, so he dabbed the edge of the napkin inside, wetting it with the chill water. He reached out and touched her wrist gently, looking up at her for approval. He brought her wrist and carefully dabbed the blood away, being careful to catch any falling droplets before they fell to the floor. Her wrist was not as cold as he might have expected, but still several degrees color than the room. He finished quickly, folded up the napkin and deposited it on the nightstand. He looked up and again saw the other girl in the room in the strange outfit. [color=fff200]"Oh sorry I don't think we have actually met. I'm Leval and this is Rowan."[/color] Glancing down, he realized he was still holding Rowan's wrist in his hand. [color=fff200]"Oh sorry!"[/color] He released her hand looking somewhat sheepish. He pulled out his Connector and glanced at the time. [color=fff200]'Apparently, I haven't been out too long. Healing magic gotta love it.'[/color] He looked back up and said, [color=fff200]"We should have enough time to get over to the classroom, before the second half of the class starts."[/color] He stood and did a quick test of his legs, everything seemed to be in working order, so he walked to the door. There was a tall elf woman at a desk in front, so Leval thanked her as he passed for her help. He opened the door and held it for Rowan to walk through. He waved at the strangely dressed girl, [color=fff200]"See you up there."[/color] He started back to the class with Rowan, not saying anything, enjoying the companionable silence.