[Color=lightsteelblue][H2]HERO[/H2][/Color] [Color=lightsteelblue][B]NAME : [/B][/Color] Hamada Miyuki [IMG]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff96/Needful/Anime%20Females/anime-girl_009.jpg[/IMG] [Color=lightsteelblue][B]AGE : [/B][/Color] 19 [Color=lightsteelblue][B]GENDER : [/B][/Color] Female [Color=lightsteelblue][B]POWERS : [/B][/Color] [Hider=ENHANCED SPEED]Miyuki can move much faster than other people approaching the speed of sound, or even faster.[/Hider] [Hider=ENHANCED DEXTERITY] Capabilities The Miyuki can precisely control her movements and muscles, making her unable to be clumsy or fumbling. She can slip through a network of lasers, reach through dangerous narrow tunnels, keep perfect balance, or juggle effortlessly without ever tripping or wobbling. She can even move her fingers or toes effortlessly, with tendon strain no longer being a problem. Miyuki can only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed, though most times she can land on her feet. She can stand up right on even the most unstable of surfaces, such as a moving vehicle, a collapsing building, or an earthquake. She is also are able to regain her balance or bounce back to her feet quickly and perform feats such as shooting a gun, throwing a knife, or fighting at seemingly impossible angles and positions.[/Hider] [Hider=ENHANCED REFLEXES] This power allows Miyuki to react super-humanly fast giving her a drastically enhanced reaction speed. This ability allows her to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to.[/Hider] [Hider=WALLRUNNING] So long as Miyuki continues moving at high speed she can run along or up vertical surfaces.[/Hider] [Color=lightsteelblue][B]WEAPONS : [/B][/Color] N/A [Color=lightsteelblue][B]PERSONALITY : [/B][/Color] Miyuki is. A cheerful young woman who's driven by an ingrained sense of justice and fair play. She is always loyal to her friends and will risk any and everything to help them. She is shy in the romance department and utterly clueless to the signals of others. [Color=lightsteelblue][B]HISTORY : [/B][/Color] Miyuki was born into the Tsuki clan to Hamada Mari daughter of the Dreaming Moon an oracle of her family. Raised in the secretive atmosphere of a clan of Kunoichi Miyuki was taught the secret arts of the Shinobi just like all other girls born into the family. It was during her training that Miyuki began to exhibit that she was no ordinary child which became even more extraordinary by her 12th birthday when she displayed the skill of arrow cutting (the ability to dodge of deflect arrows fired at her person). This skill was one that had never been mastered by anyone under the age of 20 in the history of the clan. Her teachers saw her potential and pushed her beyond her limits and eventually beyond even their ability to teach. By the time she was 17 Miyuki was considered a full fledged Kunochi and assigned missions by her elders. Then one year ago while performing a mission Miyuki encountered a shadowy group of Shinobi that tried to kill her. She quickly defeated her attackers and then returned home to report her findings. Arriving she found that she was not the only one of her clan that was attacked and that her family had decided to descend into hiding to fight their new foe. Miyuki decided that while it was prudent for her family to conceal their existence she would remain in the world to better fight and hopefully defeat her enemy. Since they left for the hidden Island Miyuki has used her family's connections to search for the enemy while also defending those to weak to fight for themselves. [Color=lightsteelblue][B]WEAKNESS : [/B][/Color] Miyuki has a hidden enemy that will stop at nothing to destroy her and because of that she see's conspiracy in almost every crime and obsessively seeks to expose them. Miyuki requires at least 6,000 calories a day and two hours of meditation to avoid physical injury when using her ability. [Color=lightsteelblue][B]OTHER : [/B][/Color] Becoming Insane [URL]http://youtu.be/Z6hL6fkJ1_k[/URL]