[b]Name:[/b] Sonoda Yuka - Daughter of Heaven, Goddess of Gases, Invincible Cyborg Woman; [i]Metallica Weapon[/i]!! [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [B]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a height of a metre eighty, Sonoda Yuka is surprisingly tall for a woman of Japanese descent, and combined with her powerful, athletic build, she cuts a figure of great intimidation. Indeed, her expressions merely serve to reinforce this image, with the taut muscles, unimpressed thin mouth and scowling golden eyes proving that she is very willing to fight anyone who dares to obstruct her path of justice. Her hair is cut short, the fuzzy brown-black locks flowing down towards her neck, fringe hiding away her forehead. In all, she exudes an aura of power but also reliability, her very appearance seeming to tell others that she is one to always keep her promises, and one that messing with would be unwise. When not fighting crime in her identity of Metallica Weapon, Yuka works as part-time intern at an office building, and is dressed in garb fitting of her occupation; a combination of a light blue dress shirt and either a dark pencil skirt or trousers is her standard clothing, though when performing leisurely activities, her outfits can change far dramatically and will depend upon the weather. However, her grey combat boots, a permanent fixture of her outfit, show that she is always prepared for conflict, along with the leather motorcycle gloves that she for some reason dons frequently despite not actually owning a motorbike. She is also especially fond of a tattered yellow scarf that she has owned since her youth. As the powerful hero of justice, Metallica Weapon, the "suit" that completely envelops her body is grey and nondescript, exuding sleek professionalism and power through its androgynous form. Nothing on the "armour" can be considered especially defining or revealing, as if its wearer is not truly a human but a mere copy of one. It is a threatening visage to ponder upon, as the only major aspects of the suit are the four emerald lines that run down her arms, and simple black v-fin that sits between its ominous, pale-red eyes. [b]Powers:[/b] A partially cybernetic human, the experiments that were performed on Sonoda Yuka to unlock her true potential have converted much of her bones, muscles and ligaments to "Solid Photonic Energy" equivalents that provide her with immense durability and strength, and the two miniaturised cold fusion reactors that are safely encapsulated within the area where she once possessed lungs replace her need for respiration, giving her near-limitless stamina and the ability to function in locations usually impossible for the normal human. However, her ultimate ability is to transform into a steely heroic warrior, a state that provides her with the ability to manipulate gases. [b]Weapons:[/b] Though a competent hand-to-hand fighter, Yuka possesses remarkable skill with a glaive, which she utilises to its maximum effect when transformed into the Metallica Weapon. [b]Personality:[/b] A seemingly stoic figure upon first glance, the superheroic Yuka is quite calm in the face of danger, dealing with whatever problem that befouls her with nary an emotion and supreme grace. Her comments usually show little spirit, though at times it seems there is a certain grandness to her words. However, underneath the surface is her boiling blood, fiery emotions that fuel her every action. She is relentless and driven, absolutely devoted to bringing about justice wherever she goes, even if from a skin-deep view she seems almost bored of her duties. Indeed, she will stubbornly fight for what she believes in what's right, and will crush all in her path to saving others. She has her own eccentricities as well (though not incredibly obvious to others), the most prominent being her tendency to narrate in her own head, frequently delving into inner monologues about whatever crosses her mind at the time. These monologues are quite eloquent and poetic in comparison to her usual succinct (though nevertheless still sophisticated) speech. She is also a literary fan, and will make reference to notable works from time to time. As Metallica Weapon, she is brutal and quick in her fights, aiming to incapacitate as rapidly as possible. She is also somewhat wordier than usual when in the midst of combat, but they usually simply carry through the zeal that envelops her as she fights to serve justice. [b]History:[/b] A native of Neo-Tokyo, Yuka was once a normal Japanese high school student in a normal Japanese high school, sharing a class with a group of supernatural warrior hunters fighting a secret guerilla war against the forces of evil. It was a rather peaceful life, albeit a life filled with higher school fees in order to repair the collateral damage brought about the powerful entities that resided at her facility of education, but it was not one filled with superheroics and drama for her. Then came Cerebral Intelligentsia. A shadowy organisation responsible for a spate of monster attacks, it kidnapped her and many others to be experimented on to create an ultimate army that would conquer Japan and then the world. Through these horrific tortures, in which her body was converted with cybernetics, her latent powers were activated, influencing Cerebral Intelligentsia to craft her into the first of their elite shock troopers, the "Weapons". Under their scientific machinations, she became a transforming cyborg warrior completely devoted to the mysterious cause, fighting in the shadows under the banner of CI. However, sympathetic scientists would break her free of the reprogramming at the cost of her memories, faking her death and throwing her out of the secretive CI facilities and into the relative safety of the world. Lost and confused, with only the name "Weapon" to guide her, the teenage girl found her way back to Neo-Tokyo, subconsciously avoiding Cerebral Intelligentsia's forces as she tried to find her place. It would be during these struggling journeys that she met the original Sonoda Yuka, an ill, hospitalised girl whose dreams inspired her to become the hero "Metallica Weapon". And when the original Yuka died of illness, the cyborg warrior took upon the name in tribute, using it in her secret civilian identity at a local high school until she would finally recover her own memories. [b]Weakness:[/b] Despite her superior physical prowess, Yuka is utterly lacking in range and mobility, having been described as a "masked runner" whose ability to achieve her [i]ends[/i] is limited by her lack of vehicular transport (thereby preventing her from moving distances), nonexistent access to weapons or powers that could provide her the ability to consistently strike at aerial opponents (for any manoeuvres performed above solid ground are temporary at best), and in essence the mobile capabilities of the average human (she can walk, run, and float a bit with gas manipulation, but that's about it). Her fighting style is also quite rough and unorthodox, belying the fact that she isn't exactly the most skilled at martial arts. [b]Other:[/b] [LIST] [*]Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGYEoe3loU0]Hagane no Messiah[/url] [*]Voice Actor: Romi Paku (JP); Michelle Ruff (ENG) [/LIST]