Despite his friendly attitude, it would be clear to Dimitri, Herbet and Ryann that he was tense and surpressing some small panic. The way he held himself gave the impression of someone aggressively pushing down the desire to run, though it would be essentially impossible to say if he was shaking slightly from tension or simply the cold that they were all feeling- especially as Dzel still had his jacket. He wouldn't come off as a madman ready to attack at any moment, but definitely someone shaken and trying to carry on. Will avoided looking or glancing at all towards the body on the altar as he spoke, and listened to their replies, but broke from this pattern as soon as Herbet moved to cover it. He seemed relieved to see this, and his expression softened somewhat as he looked at the trio. He nodded in approval and spoke "We were planning on that, as soon as we could get something to spare, only just passed into here. You're more willing to sacrifice protection from the cold for whoever she was, I can respect that." Shifting his gaze to address the trio without a focus on Herbet, he spoke again "Its good to meet you all, though not so much in these circumstances. No, I have no idea where or what this is. I have one piece of knowledge and one piece of unrelated good news. First, we've found a room full of... light expedition gear. This place is abandoned, and to be honest whoever left that there is more prepared for these conditions than we are, so I personally have no problem using what is there to survive. Especially as the owners may be who caused this. Clothes, limited amounts of food and water, backpacks. Also handguns and ammo. It is just back where we came from, all in good condition, enough for everyone here. The information, I have to stress that it poses no danger unless you're going to camp in here for a few weeks, but this whole site is more radioactive than background. Gets worse closer to here, peaks at the woman on the altar. I'm hoping you know what that means," he gestured to Dzel "we are not finding much common ground with words like 'nuclear' or 'europe' so I don't want to make assumptions. Our homes seem very very distant." "If you're willing to follow me- a stranger in a terrible place- I can show you all the supplies. Better to be out of this room. Also, if anyone here has medical experience, looking over Dzel's wounds would be very good, I've done what I can to bandage and clean them, but it isn't much." If they assented, he would then lead them to the other backpacks below.