[centre][img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080417022817/finalfantasy/images/3/31/Ffcc_crystalchalice.jpg] [b]Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[/b] [/centre] A RP based on Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the Nintendo Gamecube. Using the Four races available rom the game, Clavat, Selkie, Yuke, Lilties. You will be part of the Crystal Caravan, with its mission to go out and collect drops of myrrh in the chalice, and return home with it within a year, to keep your home's crystal able to repel the poisonous miasma which threatens the land. The game really set it up in such a way to easily use it as a roleplay world, but would have some small tweeks to it, such as magic and how it would work. (For those who didn't play this game, at the start to use magic, you had to find it in an area, and it left as you left the area.) [url=http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Crystal_Chronicles] FFCC on a wiki for info[/url] Any interest or questions?