[h2]Tomoyuki Harushima[/h2] From the top floor of the Harushima Corporation, Tomo looks out over the city as he takes a nice sip of his hot coffee and a bite of his donut. He had just recently gotten out of bed after getting a late night call of a thief braking into a donut store, which his reward for apprehending the criminal was a box of donuts. Something he couldn't resist taking. After taking another sip and another bite, he stands right by the large, bullet-proof, glass windows overlooking the city. Everything seemed to be calm and dandy, with everyone going where life needs them to be. Something in which he enjoyed seeing. After finishing his breakfast, he decides to take a spin in his power suit. So after a quick check to see if it was fully charged and a few tests of its abilities, he gets on top of a platform, which pushes him upwards to the roof of the building. His boot-thrusters begin to charge up with a slow hum and with a sonic swoosh he flies up high into the sky, making a slow dive down to be just a kilometer above the city. Nothing beats a nice morning fly around the city in ones power suit right? He continues to fly around the city, making sure that everyone was ok before he'll working on loads of paper work back in the building. Something he really isn't looking forward too...