It was daybreak and [url=]Galdaroth[/url] stood atop one of the tall buildings of the city's downtown, the strong wind blew past his as he watched the inhabitants of this small planet on the outskirts of the know universe flood their streets in their endless come and go. [color=fff200]"There's still a long way to go before they can join the galactic society, but the human race has the potential to change the cosmos forever once they do."[/color] Galdaroth said as he talked to his Century Hawk's [url=]AI[/url]. [color=ec008c]"Though a race who willingly destroys their home world like they do in the name of greed, might as well become a treat greater than the Xenova if they are let alone for too long."[/color] Century Hawk answered in a purely analytical way. [color=fff200]"Indeed, and if it ever comes to this, it'll be our duty to protect the galaxy from them, but until there we're to stop the Xenova army once and for all."[/color] The Regulian was firm in his resolution as he replied to Century Hawk. [color=fff200]"But for now, it's time to go!"[/color] Galdaroth shouted as he disappeared away in the distance, bounding from roof to roof. [center][url=]Opening Theme[/url][/center] In front of the Seishirou Academy... "Oh, Madoka! You're late man, the hottest girl has just came by a few moments." A group of boys come to meet Madoka Konoko, the mysterious boy who suddenly transferred in a few months ago. [color=fff200]"Sorry. I had something urgent do."[/color] The white haired [url=]boy[/url] apologizes with hand behind his head and an open smile. "Anyway, let's just go. The teachers won't wait for us forever." One of the other boys said as they went inside the school building. Little did they know that the boy by their side was no one other than one Earth's newest heroes, The Galactic Policeman Galdaroth.