While Serena healed the fallen Renegade, Ethan watched the carnage and quickly came to the conclusion that the Elementals were no match for the attackers. His first idea was to make some kind of protective earthdome to protect him and the others, but he quickly decided against it. Not only did he doubt that he would be able to make is strong enough to hold any serious attacks of for long, if the attackers didn't see Serena's plants it would surely tip them of where to find the people who were most likely their prime targets as well as trapping them in one place. "We have to focus on escaping rather then fighting those monsters. I don't doubt they're after us because of our abilities, but I also don't think we can beat them at this point." That said Ethan wasn't planning the others, and if the majority wanted to stay and fight he was willing to help to make sure they at least wouldn't go down easily.